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Ingredients : Zinc
English Name : Zinc, Zink
Latin Name : Zn
Chemical constituents
Zinc supplements are used to prevent or treat zinc deficiency. Lack of zinc may lead to poor night vision and wound-healing, a decrease in sense of taste and smell, a reduced ability to fight infections, and poor development of reproductive organs.
Ingredients : Yeast
English Name : Brewer’s yeast
Latin Name : Sac. cerevisiae
Full Botanical Name: Saccharomyces cerevisiae S. cerevisiae cells are round to ovoid, 5-10 micrometres in
diameter. It reproduces by a division process known as budding.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is frequently used as a source of vitamins and inerals. It is rich in B vitamins, chromium and selenium. B vitamins help maintain the health of your hair, skin, mouth, liver and eyes. They also aid in breaking down fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which your body uses for energy. In addition, B vitamins support your nervous system and help support the muscles that you use for digestion. Some research suggests that supplementing with chromium may help control blood sugar levels in people who have diabetes and reduce the amount of insulin that they need to take. Other research suggests that saccharomyces
cerevisiae may also help to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in your blood, while raising levels of good cholesterol. Saccharomyces cerevisiae may also help to treat acne, relieve diarrhea and reduce the risk of getting a second skin cancer.
Vitamin E
Ingredients : Vitamin E
English Name : Vit. E
Latin Name : Alpha Tocopherol
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects body tissue from damage caused by substances called free radicals. Free radicals can harm cells, tissues, and organs. They are believed to play a role in certain conditions related to aging. The body also needs vitamin E to help keep the immune system strong against viruses and bacteria. Vitamin E is also important in the formation of red blood cells and it helps the body use vitamin K. It also helps widen blood vessels and keep blood from clotting inside them. Cells use vitamin E to interact with each other and carry out many important functions.
Vitamin D3
Ingredients : Vitamin D3
English Name : Vit. D3
Latin Name : Cholecalciferol
Vitamin D (ergocalciferol-D2, cholecalciferol-D3, alfacalcidol) is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus. Having the right amount of vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus is important for building and keeping strong bones. Vitamin D is used to treat and prevent bone disorders (such as rickets, osteomalacia). Vitamin D is made by the body when skin is xposed to sunlight. Sunscreen, protective clothing, limited exposure to unlight, dark skin, and age may prevent getting enough vitamin D from the sun.Vitamin D with calcium is used to treat or prevent bone loss osteoporosis). Vitamin D is also used with other medications to treat low levels of calcium or phosphate caused by certain disorders (such as hypoparathyroidism, pseudohypoparathyroidism, familial hypophosphatemia). It may be used in kidney disease to keep calcium levels normal and allow normal bone growth. Vitamin D drops (or other supplements) are given to breast-fed infants because breast milk usually has low levels of vitamin D.
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Ingredients : Unnab
English Name : Jujube
Latin Name : Zizyphus Jujuba
Color: Yellowish brown It is also known as Korean date, Badara and Indian date
Chemical constituents
Presence of 3-O-trans- and 3-O-cis-p-coumaroylalphitolic acid, and jujubosides A and B, Major characteristic constituents are triterpenes and triterpene saponins, including alphitolic, betulinic, maslinic, oleanolic, ursolic, 3-O-trans-alphitolic, 3-O-cis-p-alphitolic alphitolic, 3-O-cis-p-coumaroylalphitolic, and 3-O-transp- coumaroylalphitolic acids; and zizyphus saponins I, II, III, jujuboside B, spinosin and swertisin. Three triterpene oligoglycosides, jujubosides A1 and C, and acetyljujuboside B have been isolated from the seeds.
Banotone Syrup
As an antipyretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, sedative and tonic. Traditionally for antifungal, antibacterial, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antispastic, antifertility/contraception, hypotensive and Antinephritic, cardiotonic, antioxidant, immunostimulant, and Wound healing properties. As an antipyretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, sedative and tonic. Treatment of asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, eye diseases, inflammatory skin conditions, liver disorders, scabies, ulcers and wounds.
Ingredients : Thymol
English Name : Thymol
Latin Name : Isopropyl Cresol
White crystalline substance of a pleasant aromatic odor and strong antiseptic properties. Thymol also provides the distinctive, strong flavor of the culinary herb thyme.
Uses in Septikill
It is a local anesthetic and analgesic. So prevents animal from having a pain sensation. In contact with putrid pus, it removes any odor emanating from this substance. When applied to wounds, ulcers and abscesses, it modifies their condition and accelerates cicatrisation. Being a disinfectant, it can be applied locally to prevent septicemia. Thymol is antiseptic, antimicrobial, nsecticidal, vermifuge and astringent. It is used as a wound cleanser, in scrofulous skin conditions and as a skin disinfectant. o It has a power to combat itchiness.
Ingredients : Sunth
English Name : Ginger
Latin Name : Zingiber officinale
inger occurs in horizontal, laterally flattened, sympodially branching pieces. Whole rhizomes are 5 to 15 cm long, 1.5 to 6 cm wide, and up to 2 cm thick, sometimes split longitudinally; pale yellowish buff or light brown externally, longitudinally striated, somewhat fibrous; branches flattish, obovate, short, about 2 cm long, each ending with a depressed stem scar; fracture, short with projecting fibers, or sometimes resinous; internally yellowish brown, showing a yellow endodermis separating the narrow cortex from the wide stele, and numerous yellowish points, secretion cells and numerous bigger greyish points, vascular bundles, scattered on the whole surface.
Chemical constituents
ethanol, methanol, acetone, 80%methanol and 80% ethanolic extracts. Protein and fat of sample were 5.08 and 3.72 g/100 g respectively.Ash, minerals namely iron, calcium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, chromium and manganese) and vitamin, The primary known constituents of Ginger Root include gingerols, zingibain, bisabolene, oleoresins, starch, essential oil (zingiberene, zingiberole, camphene, Cineole, borneol), mucilage, and protein.
Uses in Gasoshel Tablet and Digesta Powder
It is used as a stimulant and carminative and used frequently for dyspepsia, gastroparesis, slow motility symptoms, constipation, and colic.
Uses in Happy Forte Capsule
Ginger has other uses including relieving arthritis pain, ulcerative colitis, headaches, fevers from flu and colds, and sore throats. Gastrointestinal problems including heartburn and gas can also be treated with ginger. The muscles of the gastrointestinal tract can be strengthened by the use of garlic.
Uses in Sheltatone Tonic and Tonical
It is extremely effective for general debility and it balances vata and pitta.
Uses in Sheltidine Cough Syrup
It is a stimulant and carminative, soothes bronchial irritation.
Uses in Meryn Tablet
Ginger is also used to treat arthritis, both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
Ingredients : Sonageru
English Name : Calcicard
Latin Name : Ochare
Chemical constituents
C22H26N2O4S Calcicard
Cocoment Ointment: It is used for skin diseases like various types of itching, urticaria and eczema.
Sodium Chloride
Ingredients : Sodium Chloride
English Name : Sodium Chloride
Latin Name : Sodium Chloride
Chemical constituents :
It is used to treat or prevent sodium loss caused by dehydration, excessive sweating.
Ingredients : Shilajit
English Name : Mineral pitch
Latin Name : Asphaltum
Chemical constituents
it contain albuminoids,fatty acids,trace element,waxes in addition to minearals. Chemical analysis shows that it contains besides gums, albuminoids, traces of resin and fatty acid, a large quantity of benzoic and hippuric acids and their salts. From the medicinal point of view, the chief active substances in it are benzoic acid and benzoates.
Uses in Diabetone Tablet
It helps in improving functioning of pancrease and reduces digestion problems.
Uses in Happy Forte Capsule
It is used in obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes, Diabetes. Kidney stones . Cystitis . Dysuria. Chronic urinary tract problems
Uses in Gasoshel Tablet
Urinary tract infections. Urinary Tonic. Kidney Tonic . relieve digestive problems.
Uses in Stonyl
It acts as an astringent and dissolve the kidney stone in body fluid.
Uses in Meryn Tablet
Shilajit suppresses pain, as it acts directly on vata dosha. Vata imbalance is the cause of initiation of pain. It is an excellent herbal supplement in arthritis treatment like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout and joint pain. It has a very good pain relieving effect in all types of muscular pain.
Rosa Oil
Ingredients : Rosa Oil
English Name : Damask rose
Latin Name : Rosa damascena
Chemical constituents
Citronellol, geraniol, nerol, linalool, phenyl ethyl alcohol, farnesol, stearoptene, ?-pinene, ?-pinene, ?- terpinene, limonene, p-cymene, camphene, ?-caryophyllene, neral, citronellyl acetate, geranyl acetate, neryl acetate, eugenol, methyl eugenol, rose oxide, ?-damascenone, ?-damascenone, benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, rhodinyl acetate, phenyl ethyl formate.
Uses in Sarakva Oil
It is used in colon, stomach, urinary bladder, prostrate, urethra & urinary tracts and kidneys etc. and external bacterial infections on skin, armpits, head, eyebrows & eyelids, ears etc. It is a very painful situation caused due to infection in wounds (wounds are most prone to infections, being open and unprotected) and vulnerable internal organs such as urinary tracts, urinary bladder, urethra, colon, kidneys etc. It does not only trigger sudden, acute and unbearable pain but also gives cramps and convulsions. So, it is always advisable to take care of the wounds and any type of infection in the genitor-urinary organs. This can be done with the help of this oil.
Ingredients : Pushpanjan
English Name : ZnO
Latin Name : Zinc Oxide
Uses in Septikill
It is used in a highly purified form to treat or prevent minor skin irritations caused by burns and cuts. o It is important agent for wound healing as every cell in the human body requires zinc to multiply and more than 300 enzymes need zinc for proper functioning.
Ingredients : Punarnava
English Name : Spreading Hog Weed
Latin Name : Boerhaavia diffusa
Boerhaavia Diffusa is diffusely branched, non-succulent herb. The whole plant of red flowers shows a slightly reddish tinge, while the white flowered, plant is absolutely green and is more robust. The root is fairly stout and fusiform having a woody rootstock. Many 1-3 ft. long slender prostrate stems arise from the crown of root. Leaves are slightly thick and opposite in unequal pairs at each node of the stem. Leaves vary in size being 0.5 to 0.75 inches. They are ovate or oblong having rounded apex. Margin is entire and pinkish. The petiole is about 0.5 to 1.00 inch long. There are tiny pedicillate pink coloured flowers in small umbels of 5-10 forming long axillary and terminal panicles. There is about 2 to 2.5 mm long, funnel shaped pink or red coloured and five lobed perianth tube. Stamens are 1-3 in number. The ovary is free with a single ovule. Style is filiform with a peltate stigma. The fruit is glandular, with ribs and 2-3 mm. long.
Chemical constituents
Formerly an alkaloid punarnavine was reported which is probably allantoin isolated later. Drug contains large amount of potassium nitrate and other potassium salts. It also contains heterocontane, ursolic acid and beta sitosterol which may be partly free and partly as palmitate
Uses in Stonyl
Punarnava is used as diuretic. Aqueous decoction is found useful in nephritic syndrome. Its diuretic activity acts quickly for kidney infections and urinary tract infection. It quickly increases urine flow and the alkaloidal effects work to help detoxify the system of infection and speed up the excretory processes.
Uses in Livodin-12
Punarnava is mainly used for liver disorders like jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, anemaia, flukes etc. It performs detoxification and helps even in chemical injury.It is a hepatotonic so tones, balances and strengthens the liver.
Uses in Digesta Powder
It corrects the digestive system and gives it a nourishment.
Nimak Sindhav
Ingredients : Nimak Sindhav
English Name : Rock Salt
Latin Name : Rock Salt
Chemical constituents
Sadium Chloride
Uses in Gasopain Bolus
It helps in Digestion and increases the appetite. It removes the toxic material out of the body and works as a cleanser. Helps in management of ruminal pH too.
Ingredients : Nepalo
English Name : Croton
Latin Name : Croton tiglium
Chemical constituents
Major known chemical constituents are glyceryl crotonate, crotonic acid, crotonic resin, and the tumorpromoting phorbol esters phorbol formate, phorbol butyrate, and phorbol crotonate.
Uses in Sherolax Tablet and Purgovet Bolus
Croton oil has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat severe constipation since the seed of the plant can cause diarrhea.
Ingredients : Nagarmoth
English Name : Coco grass
Latin Name : Cyperus scarious
It is also known as common nutsedge, nutgrass and purple nutsedge.
Chemical constituents
It rhizome of it contains an aromatic oil that is 0.5 to 0.6 %. There is also present a stable oil. Besides this it contains certain alkaloids, minerals and vitamins. The ash contains calcium, phosphorus, sodium and some carbonates, ?-cyperone, ?-selinene, cyperene, cyperotundone, patchoulenone, sugeonol, kobusone, and isokobusone
Uses in Diabetone Tablet
It regularizes digestive system and by this way controls blood sugar level
Uses in Hairol
It cures any infection of scalp. It relieves from in and works and anti inflammatory agent. It improves digestion. It curbs infection in the body. It helps in uterine contraction. It provides strength to the body. acting mainly on the digestive system and uterus.They are used internally in the treatment of digestive problems, is used in Ayurveda as a tonic, stomachic, Astringent, diuretic, emmenogogue, diaphoretic, cyperus rotundas is used by Ayurveda to treat many types of disturbances caused by vitiation of Pitta. It is used in fever, solar dermatitis etc. It exhibits marked anti-inflammatory activity
Ingredients : Myrrh
English Name : Hirabol
Latin Name : Commiphora myrrha
The tree is small about 3 meters in height. The phloem contains schizpgenous ducts and lysigenous cavities, which are filled with yellowish granular resinous liquid. Incision is made in the bark, the oleo gum resin which is liquid exudes and hardens to a reddish brown mass which is collected by the natives. Myrrh occurs in irregular agglutinated tears or masses. Its external surface is rough and reddish brown, covered with yellowish dust. Pieces are brittle. Fractured surface is waxy, granular and oily with whitish marks. Thin pieces are translucent or almost transparent. Odour is aromatic and taste aromatic, bitter and acrid.
Chemical constituents
Myrrh contains volatile oil 7 to 17%, resin 25 to 40%, gum 57 to 61% and impurities 3 to 4%. Volatile oil contains cuminic aldehyde, eugenol, metacresol, pinene, limonene, dipentene, and two sesquiterpene. Volatile oil resinifies on exposure to air. Because of volatile oil, myrrh should be stored in lumps in airtight containers. Resin is complex and a greater part of it is soluble in ether and consists of three free resin acids alpha, beta and gamma commiphoric acids. And esters of another resin acid and two phenolic resins. Ether insoluble portion consists of two resin acids alpha and beta herabomyrrholic acids, Gum resembles gum acacia and contains an enzyme oxydase and on hydrolysis yields arabinose.
Uses in Monthex and Regulin Capsule / Bolus
It is given in combination of Aloe Vera in case of excessive bleeding during menstruation.
Myrrh promotes circulation and said to move stagnant blood through the uterus. It has been used in menstrual irregularities, uterine tumors and for menopause. It can also be given in a tonic uterine infections and Amenorrhoea. It also relieves painful periods.
Uses in Utrona
Myrrh promotes circulation and said to move stagnant blood through the uterus. It has been used in oestrus irregularities, uterine tumors and for anoestrus. It can also be given in atonic uterine infections.
Uses in Regulin
Myrrh promotes circulation and said to move stagnant blood through the uterus. It has been used in oestrus irregularities, uterine tumors and for anoestrus. It can also be given in atonic uterine infections.
Mustard Oil
Ingredients : Mustard Oil
English Name : Mustard Oil
Latin Name : Brassica nigra
Chemical constituents
Constituent of volatile oil The main chemical component of mustard oil is no less than 92% allyl isothiocyanate.
Uses in Sarakva Oil
It is used in rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago, and aches and pains. Helps to stay away form coronary heart diseases, It can be used as an antibacterial oil ,Helps to detoxify human body. Stimulates digestion, circulation and excretory system.
Ingredients : Majith
English Name : Indian Maddar
Latin Name : Rubia cordifolia
It is a perennial climber growing 6m by 3m. This climbing plant is fonund is Himalayas and hill stations in India. The roots are long, cylindrical, the bark of the root is thin and red in colour. While the stems are four angled. Leaves are cordate-ovate, 2-8 in whorl. Flowers are hermaphrodits that is both male and female organs are present.Fruits are globose, 2 lobed and dark purplish to black in colour. It is also known as Manjistha and Manjit.
Chemical constituents
In contains anthraquinones, hydroxyanthraquinones, gallic acid and tannins. Glycosides munjistin and purpurin, xanthopurpurin or purpuroxanthin, pseudopurpurin, resins, lime salts and colouring agents.
Uses in B-Kleen Liquid
It is used as an blood purifier and eliminates the toxins and waste materials from body.
Gynoshel Liquid
It has a marked effect on the female reproductive organs. It is useful in veginits, metritis and pyometritis. Apart from being emmenagogue, it is a diuretic and also useful in treating urinary tract infections like urethritis and pyelonephritis and removes obstructions in urinary passages.
L-Lysin M-Hydro
Ingredients : L-Lysin M-Hydro
English Name : Lysine
Latin Name : Lysine
Chemical constituents
Lysine amino acid
Lysine is used for preventing and treating cold sores (caused by the virus called herpes simplex labialis). It is taken by mouth or applied directly to the skin for this use. Lysine is also taken by mouth to improve athletic performance.
Ingredients : Kuth
English Name : Saw-wort, Snow lotus
Latin Name : Saussurea lappa
The plant is perennial herb with large radical cordate leaves and erect stout flowering stem, 1 to 2 meters in
height bearing at its summit a cluster of several rounded sessile flower heads of a very dark blue, purple or
almost black colour. Drug is usually obtained from cultivated plants and roots are collected in September
and October and cut into pieces of about 3 inches in length and dried. Some of the drug is utilized in India
for the production of volatile oil and remaining is exported. Generally pieces of thick roots and thin roots
that is lateral or lower part of taproots are found. Rootlets are rarely present. Length is 7 to 15 cm. Breadth
is of 1 to 5.5 cm. Thick roots are fusiform or conical and tapering while thin roots are cylindrical. Surface
shows longitudinal wrinkles, which is anastomose. Colour of fresh root is dirty grey to light yellow but on
drying yellowish brown to blackish brown or dull red. Fractures are short and horny. Odour is aromatic and
strong. Taste is bitter.
Chemical constituents:
Saussurea contains volatile oil 1.5 to 2.5%. Volatile oil is preferably ontained by extraction with solvents like petroleum ether. Steam distillation causes emulsion and yield of volatile oil is less. Volatile oil contains saussurine 0.005%, a nitrogenous base, and resin, about 18%, inulin potassium nitrate and sugars. Kushtin, a liquid having the formula C20H26O3 has been isolated. Volatile oil contains sesquiterpene lactones costuslactone, dihydrolactone and a dehdrolactone, costusic acid, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons aplotoxin, alpha and beta costene, phellandrene and camphene and terpene alcohol.
Uses in Monthex Capsule and Regulin Capsule/Bolus
It is an antispasmodic, tonic, carminative and soothing agent. It can be used to reduce the pain in rheumatism.Kuth
Ingredients : Kuth
English Name : Saw-wort, Snow lotus
Latin Name : Saussurea lappa
The plant is perennial herb with large radical cordate leaves and erect stout flowering stem, 1 to 2 meters in
height bearing at its summit a cluster of several rounded sessile flower heads of a very dark blue, purple or
almost black colour. Drug is usually obtained from cultivated plants and roots are collected in September
and October and cut into pieces of about 3 inches in length and dried. Some of the drug is utilized in India
for the production of volatile oil and remaining is exported. Generally pieces of thick roots and thin roots
that is lateral or lower part of taproots are found. Rootlets are rarely present. Length is 7 to 15 cm. Breadth
is of 1 to 5.5 cm. Thick roots are fusiform or conical and tapering while thin roots are cylindrical. Surface
shows longitudinal wrinkles, which is anastomose. Colour of fresh root is dirty grey to light yellow but on
drying yellowish brown to blackish brown or dull red. Fractures are short and horny. Odour is aromatic and
strong. Taste is bitter.
Chemical constituents:
Saussurea contains volatile oil 1.5 to 2.5%. Volatile oil is preferably ontained by extraction with solvents like petroleum ether. Steam distillation causes emulsion and yield of volatile oil is less. Volatile oil contains saussurine 0.005%, a nitrogenous base, and resin, about 18%, inulin potassium nitrate and sugars. Kushtin, a liquid having the formula C20H26O3 has been isolated. Volatile oil contains sesquiterpene lactones costuslactone, dihydrolactone and a dehdrolactone, costusic acid, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons aplotoxin, alpha and beta costene, phellandrene and camphene and terpene alcohol.
Uses in Monthex Capsule and Regulin Capsule/Bolus
It is an antispasmodic, tonic, carminative and soothing agent. It can be used to reduce the pain in rheumatism.
Kurchi Bark
Ingredients : Kurchi Bark
English Name : Indrajav, Conessi
Latin Name : Holarrhena antidysenterica
Chemical constituents
it contain about 25 total alkaloid they are c12 group steroid alkaloids.the active alkaloids are conessine,conessimine,holarrhimine and holarrhidine.
Uses in Livodin-12
Kurchi is antiprotozoal in activity and used to treat amoebic dysentery. Conessine is highly ,active against Entamoeba histolytica. A traditional preparation of kurchi bark, viz. “kutajarishta” is commonly used, specially or chronic amoebiasis.
Uses in Malaria Mixture
It is used for the treatment of malaria.
Ingredients : Kulinjan
English Name : Galanga
Latin Name : Alpinia galanga
The robust rhizome has a sharp, sweet taste and smells like a blend of black pepper and pine needles. It is also known as Blue ginger and Thai ginger
Chemical constituents
Alpinia galanga rhizome contains the flavonol galangin.
Uses in Stonyl
It is used as an aromatic, stimulant and carminative and having antibacterial
Ingredients : Konch
English Name : Bengal bean
Latin Name : Mucuna pruriens
It is also known as Cow itch, Florida velvet bean and velvet bean.
Chemical constituents
Seeds contain L-DoPA (4-3,4-dihydroxy phenylalanine), glutathione, lecithin, gallic acid, glycosides, nicotine, prurenine, prurenidine, dark brown viscous oil. (Rastogi and Mehrotra ).
Uses in Happy Forte capsule
Anthelmintic, diuretic, emollient, stimulant, aphrodisiac, purgative, febrifuge, tonic. It is considered useful to relieve constipation, nephropathy, strangury, dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, elephantiasis, dropsy, neuropathy, consumption, ulcers, helminthiasis, fever, and delirum, astringent, laxative, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, alexipharmic and tonic.
Khus Khus
Ingredients : Khus Khus
English Name : White Poppy
Latin Name : Pepaver Somniferum
It is also known as Opium Poppy, Mawseed and Herb of Joy.
Chemical constituents
Chemical constituents present in it such as benzoic acid, furfurol, vetiverol, vetivenyl vetivenate and vetivene. Oil extracted from this plant contains furfurol, benzoic acid, vetivene, vetivenyl vetivenate, 5-epiprezizane, terpinen-4-ol, Khusimol, Khusimene, Khusimone, a-muurolene, Calacorene, selinene, ß-humulene, alongipinene, d-selinene,d-cadinene, valencene, Calarene, gurjunene, Epizizanal, a-amorphene, 3-epizizanol, Iso-khusimol, Valerenol, vetivazulene, ß-vetivone, a-vetivone.
It is used for inflammation in nervous and circulatory systems. This herb is used as a pain reliever in diseases such as muscular aches, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, dryness and skin cracking. but may include , Relieving Back Pain, and Reducing Inflammation.
Ingredients : Kachora
English Name : Zedory
Latin Name : Curcuma zedoria
Chemical constituents
Fragran oil, Starch
Uses in Sarakva Oil
It is used as an Anti-inflammatory ,Analgesic, Respirtory disorders , Mesntrual disorders, Anti-pyretic
Ingredients : Jivanti
English Name : Jivanti
Latin Name : Jivanti
It is also known as Jivani, Madhusrava and Dori.
Chemical constituents
0.5% alkaloids, Leptadenol, n-triacontane, cetyl alcolhol, beta sitosterol, tigma sterol, beta amyrin acetate.
Uses in Lactona
It is stimulant and tonic. Mainly used as a lactogenic in case of diminished lactation. It also imparts positive effect on protein and glycogen content of milk as well as the secretary quality.
Ingredients : Hansraj
English Name : Maidenhair fern
Latin Name : Adiantum lunulatum
Leafy fern; stipes dark chestnut-brown, wiry, 6-15 cm long, glabrous, shining, tufted; fronds often elongated, rooting at apex, pinnate, pinnae subdimidate; sori borne in a continuous line along the edge. It is also known as Black maidenhair fern, Rock fern, Southern maidenhair fern and Venus-hair fern.
Chemical constituents
higher carotenoids and chlorophyll-degradation products.
Uses in Lactona
It gives an anti bacterial activity and prevents any infections.
Plant: in asthma, cough, fever;
Leaf: balding, erysipelas, leprosy; BHIL : Plant: pimples; SIKKIMESE : Leaf: bronchitis;
Plant: bone fracture
Leaf: sprain
Plant: in atrophy, cachexy, emaciation, watery diarrhoea
Root: in muscular pain, rabies, bite of a rabid jackal or dog.
AYURVEDA : Plant: antidysenteric, febrifugal, subdues burning sensation of body, useful as soothing agent (as lotion) in
erysipelas and along with Asparagus racemosus in gonorrhoea; Root: in fever. Modern use
Used in blood diseases and epileptic fits; Rhizome
Prescribed for strangury and fever due to elephantiasis.
Gandha Bihroza
Ingredients : Gandha Bihroza
English Name : Pine Tree
Latin Name : Pinus longifolia
This plant prefers light and medium soil and it is an evergreen tree growing up to 40 meters. It has leaves all around the year and flowers are monoecious. They are pollinated by wind. It is not a self fertile.
Uses in Ekkol Liquid
The turpentine obtained from the resin of the tree is rubefacient and vermifuge in nature. It can cure skin complaints, wounds, sores, burns, boils,etc. and used in form of liniment plasters, poultices etc.
Ingredients : Doodhi
English Name : Bottle Gourd
Latin Name : Lagenaria siceraria
Chemical constituents
it is high in dietary fiber, vitamin C, Riboflavin, Zinc, Thiamine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese etc It is also low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
Uses in Hairol
It gives a feeling of relaxation and cooling. It gives shiny effects to hairs and makes it smooth.
Uses in Tonical
The juice is a valuable medicine for excessive thirst due to severe diarrhoea, diabetes and excessive use of fatty or fried foods. The juice of the fruit is used in the treatment of stomach acidity, indigestion and ulcers. its helps in constipation. It is considered to be useful in conditions of constipation, urinary disorders, excessive thirst due to severe diarrhea, diabetes. It is also said to help control cholesterol and considered effective on joint pain and weight loss. It is very valuable in urinary disorders. It should be given once daily in the treatment of burning sensation in urinary passage due to high acidity of urine. It serves as an alkaline mixture. A fruit juice is used in the treatment of insanity, epilepsy and other nervous diseases.
Ingredients : Dhania
English Name : Coriander
Latin Name : Coriandrum sativum
It is also known as Bairnwort and Blue Violet.
Chemical constituents:
0.3 to 1% of volatile oil. The fixed oil (13%) and proteins(20%) are the other contents of drug.volatile oil of the drug contains 90% of d-linalool (coriandrol) and coriandryl acetate,and small quantities of Lborneol, geraniol and pinene.
Uses in Banotone Syrup
It is used as an aromatic,carminative,stimulant and flavouring agent,coriander oil is used along with purgatives. It is widely used in treating indigestion, flatulence, diarrhoea and colic and other stomach disorders.
Uses in Stonyl
It is useful as carminative and coolant.
Uses in Gasoshel Tablet
It is aromatic, carminative, stimulant and stomachic used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as stomachache, indigestion and dyspepsia.
Uses in Mahanarayan Teil
Coriander has pain-relieving properties and is useful for headaches, muscle pain, stiffness and arthritis.
Cobalt Sulphate
Ingredients : Cobalt Sulphate
English Name : Cobalt Sulphate
Latin Name : Co
Chemical constituents
Cobalt Sulphate
It is used in the prevention and treatment of cobalt deficiency diseases in all food producing species.
Cocum Goti
Ingredients : Cocum Goti
English Name : Cocum
Latin Name : Garcinia indica
Chemical constituents
Cocumcotains glycerides of stearic (55%),oleic (40%),hydroxyl capric acid (10%),palmitic (2.5%),and linoleic acids (1.5%).it contains citric acid, acetic acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid, hydroxycitric acid and garcinol
Cocoment Ointment: It is used as a nutritive,demulcent,astringent and is used in the prepration of ointments.
Ingredients : Calcium
English Name : Calcium
Latin Name : Ca
Chemical constituents
It is used to prevent or treat low blood calcium levels. It may be used to treat conditions caused by low calcium levels such as bone loss (osteoporosis), weak bones (osteomalacia/rickets), decreased activity of the parathyroid gland (hypoparathyroidism), and a certain muscle disease (latent tetany).
Ingredients : Brahmi
English Name : Water hyssop
Latin Name : Centella asiatica
Chemical constituents
it is contain the alkaloids brahmine,herpestine,and mixture of 3 other alkaloids,it contains saponins,namely bacosides a and b ,betulic acid,stigmasterol and hersaponin.
Uses in Banotone syrup
It is used as nervine tonic,in the treatment of asthma,epilepsy and insanity.
Uses in Hairol
it is a tonic for nerve cells a
Uses in Sheltatone Tonic
Brahmi is frequently used to treat irritable bowel syndrome and similar disorders related to the intestinal tract. Upset stomachs and consistent diarrhea are also often treated with Brahmi., Brahmi has been used to treat asthma and a number of other respiratory problems including bronchitis. Brahmi can also be used to treat coughing and other symptoms related to the common cold.nd nourish the brain. It is having cooling effect and by this way it is helpful in hairgrowth to provide nourishment to hair roots.
Uses in Mahanarayan Teil
It is useful in conditions like joint aches and pains and epilepsy
Ingredients : Banafsha
English Name : Apple Leaf
Latin Name : Viola betonicifolia
It is also known as Bairnwort and Blue Violet.
Chemical constituents
Violine ,Cyanin ,Odoratin,essential oil, alkaloid and colourmatter, volatile oil, rutin and cynin.
Banotone Syrup
It suppresses vatta and pitta and acts as cough expectoranr, When used externally it acts as analgesic, anti-inflamatory and kills germs. Flowers cause nausea when taken orally, Cough expectorant, Anti-hypertensive, Blood purifier, Sudative, Anti-pyretic
Ingredients : Ashwagandha
English Name : Winter cherry
Latin Name : Withania somnifera
Young roots are straight, unbranched and conical and in commerce occur in pieces of different lengths. Thickness varies according to age and is 5-12 mm below crown. Outer surface is buff to grayish yellow and longitudinally wrinkled. On the crown 2 to 6 remains of stem bases are seen. In the transverse surface of young roots small outer bark and in the center soft solid parenchymatous mass with scattered vessels is seen. In the old and secondary roots in the center solid lignified ring of xylem is seen. Taste is mucilaginous and bitter
Chemical constituents
Wihtania contains alkaloids and steroid lactones. Recently Biochemically heterogenous alkaloids like tropine and psudotropine, hygrine, 3 alfa tigloyloxytropin,cuscohygrine,d.l.isopelletierine and two new alkaloids anaferine and anahygrine are isolated. A new alkaloid Withasomnine.It is phenyl 1:5 trimethylene pyrazole. Steroid lactones have three different chemotypes. Chemotype A contains predominantly withaferin A, responsible for the bacteriostatic and antitumour properties. Chemotype II contains a coumpound similar in structure to withaferin and chemotype III contains a mixture of related compounds containing a new group of steroid lactones withanolides.
Uses in Gynoshel Liquid
Ashwagandha is an excellent remedy for joint pain and muscle pain. It is also
carminative, tonic and sedative and gives relief in pain and inflammation.
Uses in Mahanarayan Teil and Meryn Tablet
It has been used for inflammations especially for arthritic and rheumatic conditions. It is also prescribing for lumbago, pains in the loins or small of the back.
Uses in Happy Forte Capsule
It is an effective remedy which works on general fatigue, acts as a rejuvenator, treats muscular weakness and stress induced debility, sexual debility in women.
Uses in Sheltatone Tonic
It is an effective remedy which works on general fatigue, acts as a rejuvenator, treats muscular weakness and stress induced debility
Uses in Lactona
It is an excellent postpartum energy tonic and as a stimulant for milk production.
Ashoka Chhal
Ingredients : Ashoka Chhal
English Name : Asok, Ashok
Latin Name : Saraca indica
Chemical constituents
it contains about 6% tannin,haematoxylin,ketosterol,saponin and organic calcium and iron compound
Use in Gynoshel Liquid
It is used as a uterine tonic and a stimulates the uterus by the prolonged and frequent uterine is also a suggested in all cases of uterine bleeding.
Ark Kulinjan
Ingredients : Ark Kulinjan
English Name : Galang Rhizome
Latin Name : Alpinia galanga
Chemical constituents
The green rhizomes contain 0.6% of volatile oil. The oil contain methyl Cinamate(48%), Cineole(25%), Camphor and pinene. it also contains resin,oily pungent galangol,alpinol, and di-oxyflavanol.
Baldeepak Children Tonic
It is used as an aromatic,stimulant and carminative similar to also anti bacterial properties. It also use in a treatment of rheumatism and catarrhal affections.
Vitamin B2
Ingredients : Vitamin B2
English Name : Vit. B2
Latin Name : Riboflavin
Riboflavin is used for preventing low levels of riboflavin (riboflavin deficiency), cervical cancer, and migraineheadaches. It is also used for treating riboflavin deficiency, acne, muscle cramps, burning feet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, and blood disorders such as congenital methemoglobinemia and red blood cell aplasia. Some people use riboflavin for eye conditions including eye fatigue, cataracts, and glaucoma. Other uses include increasing energy levels; boosting immune system function; maintaining healthy hair, skin, mucous membranes, and nails; slowing aging; boosting athletic performance; promoting healthy reproductive function; canker sores; memory loss, including Alzheimer’s disease; ulcers; burns; alcoholism; liver disease; sickle cellanemia; and treating lactic acidosis brought on by treatment with a class of AIDS medications called NRTI drugs.
Vitamin B12
Ingredients : Vitamin B12
English Name : Vit. B12
Latin Name : Cyanocobalamin
Vitamin B12, like the other B vitamins, is important for metabolism. It helps in the formation of red blood cells and in the maintenance of the central nervous system.
Vitamin A
Ingredients : Vitamin A
English Name : Biosterol
Latin Name : Retino
Vitamin A is used for treating vitamin A deficiency. It is also used to reduce complications of diseases such as malaria, HIV, measles, and diarrhea in children with vitamin A deficiency. Women use vitamin A for heavy menstrual periods, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), vaginal infections, yeast infections, “lumpy breasts” (fibrocystic breast disease), and to prevent breast cancer. Some women with HIV use vitamin A to decrease the risk of transmitting HIV to the baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or breast-feeding. Men use vitamin A to raise their sperm count. Some people use vitamin A for improving vision and treating eye disorders including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and cataracts. Vitamin A is also used for skin conditions including acne, eczema, psoriasis, cold sores, wounds, burns, sunburn, keratosis follicularis (Darier’s disease), ichthyosis (noninflammatory skin scaling), lichen planus pigmentosus, and pityriasis rubra pilaris. It is also used for gastrointestinal ulcers, Crohn’s disease, gum disease, diabetes, Hurler syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis), sinus infections, hayfever, and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Vitamin A is also used for shigellosis, diseases of the nervous system, nose infections, loss of sense of smell, asthma, persistent headaches, kidney stones, overactive thyroid, iron-poor blood (anemia), deafness, ringing in the ears, and precancerous mouth sores (leukoplakia).
Turpentine Oil
Ingredients : Turpentine Oil
English Name : Turpentine Oil
Latin Name : Oleo Resin
Uses in Septokill
Used as treatment for intestinal parasites because of its alleged antiseptic and diuretic properties, and a general cure-all.
Ingredients : Tankankhar
English Name : Borax
Latin Name : Borax
Uses in Stonyl
Borax is organic (absorbable) form of boron, which will both prevent and overcome most forms of arthritis, osteoporosis (bone loss and the thinning of bone density), and reverse the loosening, falling out, and decay of teeth, especially in older people. In addition to helping the body keep your calcium inside your bones where it belongs, Borax supplementation can displace fluoride out of your body (where it doesn’t belong).
Uses in Galsari
It treats the mouth problems like ulcers, sore mouth, hotness etc.
Ingredients : I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
English Name : Shikakai
Latin Name : Acacia concinnapiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Chemical constituents
Oxalic, tartaric, citric, succinic and ascorbic acids, as well as two alkaloids, calyctomine and nicotine.
Uses in Hairol
It is a hair cleansing agent. It is very effective in removing oil and dirt from hair. The normal practice is to apply oil to hair and scalp and allow it soak for sometime. This will keep the body cool, reducing body heat and also prevent the scalp from getting dry. Shikakai Powder acts as a natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding properties. It clears dandruff and cleans the dirt accumulated on the scalp. Being a natural conditioner for hair, SHIKAKAI strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth. Hesh Shikakai powder has certain vital properties that act as coolants for the scalp. This powder has to be mixed with water and used as a paste on the hair instead of shampoo. Shikakai in its various form can be used to strengthen hair roots, hair growth and treating dandruff.
Ingredients : Shatavari
English Name : Shatavari
Latin Name : Asparagus racemosus
Commercial drug consists of peeled dried entire or broken pieces, measuring 4-12 cms in length, 6-12 mm in thickness. Roots are cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, white to buff in colour, sometimes pale brownish in colour. Entire roots are tapering on both the ends. Broken pieces show irregular uneven transverse surface. External surface shows deep irregular longitudinal furrows and minute transverse wrinkles. Broken pieces show sometimes-hollow cavity. Many times central vascular tissue projects at the cut ends, of the pieces. Drug is hard and breaks with uneven fracture and possesses bland taste, which becomes bitterish after sometime. The drug swells considerably when soaked in water and becomes soft and flaccid. The smooth transverse surface shows a wide bark and a small central narrow wood.
Chemical constituents
According to recent chemical investigations shatavari contains four steroid saponins Shatavarins 1 to 4. Shatavarin 1 is the main active glycoside of sarsasapogenin, the sugar moieties being 3 glucose and 1 rhamnose. Shatavarin 4 is structurally related to shatavarin 1 and contains 2 glucose and 1 rhamnose. Its structure was determined by spectral analysis and N.M.R.
SectionUses in Meryn
Shatavari is cooling, tonic, demulcent and antispasmodic by nature. It can be used for swelling in joints due to rheumatism and arthritis as well as aches pain. It also provides relief in lower back pain and joint pains.
Uses in Sheltatone
Shatavari is a soothing tonic, alternative, demulcent and refrigerant.It nourishes and rejuvenates the tissues, promotes vitality and trength. It is bitter, emollient, cooling, nervinte, appetizer and astringent. It is used for diseases of blood and nervous disorders as well as general ebility. It also possesses antihepatotoxic and immunomodulatory activities.
Uses in Stonyl
Shatavari is a general tonic. It strengthens the tissues of the idneys. The petrol ether extract of Shatavari shows diuretic activity. It can be used for the inflammatory diseases of urinary tract, calding of urine and for prevention of kidney stones. It has been used for urinary infection and calculi, diminished urine production of chronic kidney disease, to reduce the intensity of colic from rinary stones and pain from kidney infection. It breaks kidney stones, prevents water retention and has been used for dysuria.
Uses in Lactona
Shatavari is a soothing tonic and galactogogue so it increases milk secretion during lactation. Shatavari increases the release of prolactin , increases mammary gland weight and helps in growth of lobuloalveolar tissue and thus enhance the milk output in animals with scanty milk production complaints.
Uses in Utrona
Shatavari is a general tonic. It strengthens the tissues of the kidneys.The petrol ether extract of Shatavari shows diuretic activity. It can be used for the inflammatory diseases of urinary tract, calding of urine and for prevention of kidney stones. It has been used for urinary infection and calculi, diminished urine production of chronic kidney disease, to reduce the intensity of colic from urinary stones and pain from kidney infection. It breaks kidney stones, prevents water retention and has been used for dysuria.
Uses in Happy Forte
It is alternative, aphrodisiac, demulcent, and soothing tonic in nature. It cures problems associated with vigor and vitality. It strengthens the sexual organs and cures male impotence
Uses in Gynoshel Liquid
It maintains the normal level of sexual hormones and also relives the pain during menstruation cycle. Uses in Lactona: It imparts its effect to increase the milk production.
Ingredients : Shankhjirah
English Name : Talcum
Latin Name : Soft Stone
Chemical constituents
Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 Magnesium Silicate
Cocoment Ointment
It is antibacterial as well as makes skin more smooth and soft.
Ingredients : Shankhavali
English Name : Bindweed
Latin Name : Convolvulus arvensis
Plant is procumbent or suberect shrub. Stems suffruticose at the base, 6-20 inches long. Leaves ½ to 1-inch long, linear, oblong or the upper elliptical, obtuse, mucronate, subsessile, vilous on both sides, base tapering. Flowers axillary or on short lateral branches, solitary or 2-3 together, sessile or shortly pedunculate, bracts beneath the calyx, ½ inch long, linear, lanceolate, hairy, sepals ¼ inch long, ovate, lanceolate acute, hairy on both sides, corolla rose coloured or white 1/3-1/2 inch long funnel shaped with hairy bands outside, 5-lobed, the lobes deltoid, acute with a tuft of hair at the apex of each. Stamens unequal, ovary glabrous sealed on cup-shaped disc, stigma ½ inch long filiform. Capsules ellipsoid or sub-globose, smooth, seeds 1/ 10 inch long, glabrous scarcely papillose.
Chemical constituents:
The drug contains an alkaloid shankhpushpine C17H25NO2; melting point 162 C to 164 C. Fresh plant contains volatile oil. According to reent work C. micropyllus contains n-tricontane, higher aliphatic primary alcohols and phytosterols. Later from the alcohol extract of defatted plant, kampherol and its 3. D. glucoside 3, 4, dihydroxy cinnamic acid beta sitosterol, D. Glucoside, and glucose, rhamnose, sucrose and starch were isolated. The drug also contains potassium chloride.
Uses in Septikill
It is a sedative, carminative and tranquilizer. So reduces pain sensation and provides relief to the animal.
Uses in Banotone
It a brain tonic, which helps in improvement of memory. It also removes anxiety neurosis, stress etc. It also removes nervous debility and improves brain functions
Ingredients : Reetha
English Name : Aritha
Latin Name : Sapindus trifoliatus
Roots tough, cylindrical, 7-15 cm in length, tapering slightly at both ends, with a few hairy rootlets and occasionally topped by bristly remains.
Chemical constituents
Contains saponin ,3-O-agr-L-rhamnopyranosyl,-[agr-L-arabinopyranosyl]-ß-D-glucopyranosyl -epoxyl tirucalla-7,24-diene-ethoxyl-3ß-ol , and 3-O-agr-L-rhamnopyranosyl-[agr-L-arabinopyranosyl-(1?3)]-ß- D-glucopyranosyl ,-epoxyl tirucall-7, 24-diene-methoxyl-3ß-ol.
Uses in Hairol
Reetha is used as the main ingredient in soaps and shampoos for washing hair, as it is considered good for the health of hair. The herb is also used in the treatment of extra salvation, migraine, epilepsy and chlorosis., as it has gentle insecticidal properties. The plant is known for its antimicrobial properties that are beneficial for septic systems.
Praval Bhasma
Ingredients : Praval Bhasma
English Name : Coral calx
Latin Name : Korelium rubr
Chemical constituents
Rich source of Calcium
Adalpine SP Tablet
It is provides calcium to the body and hence exhibits good neurotransmission and lowers the body temperature. It also makes the bones more stronger and decreases the pain. It is used in treatment of eye disorders, pthisis, chronic respiratory diseases, cough, cold, bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, bleeding hemorrhoids etc, excessive sweating, night sweating, toxic conditions etc. It improves digestive power, vision power, immunity and skin complexion.
Ingredients : Pippermint
English Name : Egyptian Mint
Latin Name : Mentha pipperitae
Chemical constituents
peppermint are menthol, menthone, and menthyl acetate. Other components include terpenoids, flavenoids, polymerized polyphenols, carotenes, tocopherols, betaine, and choline. Menthyl acetate is responsible for peppermint’s minty aroma.
Uses in Sarakva Oil
It is useful in digestive spasms, relieves gas, boosts the flow of bile, fights bacteria, and acts as a decongestant. It acts as a sedative on the stomach and strengthens the bowels. Peppermint is used to increase the flow of digestive juices and bile while relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract. The menthol in peppermint increases the beneficial flow of all digestive juices, including bile. Menthol also acts to stimulate the stomach lining. Its cooling properties soothe the stomach and ease stomach pain. Peppermint calms the muscles of the stomach and improves the flow of bile, which the body uses to digest fats.
Uses in Sheltidine Cough Syrup
Peppermint is an expectorant and decongestant. Peppermint tea may offer some relief for mild asthma The menthol in peppermint has antibacterial, antiviral, and analgesic effects.
Neem Chhal / Neem Oil
Ingredients : Neem Chhal / Neem Oil
English Name : Margosa
Latin Name : Azadirchita indica
Chemical constituents
Contains bitter substances namely nimbin , nimbidin, and nimbidol alcohol, sugiol and a new oxophenol, nimbol nimbosterol, nimbin; nimbidic acid nimbiol; tetranortriterpenoids, epoxyazadiradione, azadiradione and azadirone; The seed oil yielded meliantriol; deacetylnimbin; quercetin and b-sitosterol, cyclolucalenol, methylenecycloartanol, and b-sitosterol, a new etranortriterpenoid, melde, nimbolin A, nimbolin B.
Uses in B-Kleen Liquid, Septikill and Germokill
It’s traditional use is based on its detoxifying benefits due to its natural antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic properties. As a strong pitta (Fire) pacifying agent, it is used to cleanse the liver and spleen.
Ingredients : Nausader
English Name : Amm. hydrochloride
Latin Name : Amm. hydrochloride
Full Name: Ammonium hydrochloride
Gasoshel Tablet and Gasopain Bolus
It Helps In Digestion And Increases The Appetite. It Removes The Toxic Material Out Of The Body And Works As A Cleanser. Helps In Management Of Ruminal Ph Too. Regulates ruminal pH and prevents from ruminal alkalosis.
Ingredients : Mulethi
English Name : Liquorice root
Latin Name : Glycerrihiza glabra
Chemical constituents
it contain about 25 total alkaloid they are c12 group steroid alkaloids.the active alkaloids are conessine,conessimine,holarrhimine and holarrhidine.
Uses in Baldeepak Children Tonic
It is used in the conditions of vomiting, thirst, raktapitta, cough, respiratory disorders.
Uses in Happy Forte Capsule
It is used to treat graying of hairs, vomiting, thirst, raktapitta, cough, respiratory disorders, hoarseness of voice, prameha, itching, skin disease, fever and eye disease,it used as an expectorant and is used in cough used is an antigastric effect it is used in peptic ulcer.
Uses in Sheltidine Cough Syrup
It is used as an expectorant, antispasmodic and demulcent. It is added in cough mixtures and as a flavouring agent in formulations.
Uses in Malaria Mixture
It inhibits the growth of malarial parasites and causes complete eradication of it from the body and hence imparts anti malaria effect.
Ingredients : Mocharas
English Name : Indian silk cotton tree
Latin Name : Salmalia malabarica
Chemical constituents
Arachidic, linoleic, myristic, oleic and palmitic acids; seeds contain carotenes, n-hexacosanol, ethylgallate and tocopherols; the gum contains gallic and tannic acids, yields L-arbinose, D-galactose, D-galacturonic acid and D-galactopyranose. Younger roots contain more sugars (arabinose and galactose 8.2%) and peptic substances (6.0%) than the older ones. They contain mucilage, starch (71.2%), mineralmatter (2.1%), tannins 0.4 and non-tannins 0.1%, along with other constituents
Dia Dys Tablet
It is mainly used in the condistions of dysentery, diarrhoea, bleeding piles, colitis, haemoptysis in pulmonary tuberculosis, influenza and menorrhagia, It is used for chronic inflammation of bladder, kidney also for calculus affections, cutaneous affections, blood dysentery, diarrhoea, dysentery, haemoptysis, bleeding piles, menorrhagia, spermatorrhoea, skin eruptions, boils, acne, pimples, chickenpox, smallpox, catarrhal affections, chronic cystitis and genitourinary diseases.
Methyl Salicylate
Ingredients : Methyl Salicylate
English Name : Methyl Ester
Latin Name : Methyl salicylate
Uses in Shelodex Ointment
It is used as an analgesic and anti inflammatory agent.
Ingredients : Mahasudarshan
English Name : Mahasudarshan
Latin Name : Mahasudarshan
Chemical constituents
It is a combination of 47 other herbs.
Adalpin SP Tablet
It is used as an immunity enhancer as well as eliminates toxins from body. Useful to treat
all kind of fevers.
Ingredients : Lodhar
English Name : Lodh Tree
Latin Name : Symplocos racemosa
Chemical constituents
Symposide, (-) epifzelechin; loturine, loturidine, colloturine etc.
Uses in Gynoshel Tablet
In Menorragia due to relaxation of uterine tissue, has specific action on relaxed mucous membranes.
Uses in Utrona
The bark of this herb is used for treatment of various bowel problems like dysentery,diarrhea and liver disorders. Bark is used to cure fever and other diseases such as dropsy, ulcers and eye diseases etc. Antidiarrheal ,Antimicrobial ,Spasmogenic ,Heart depressant ,Blood pressure depressant, Bark is considered cooling and mild astringent.
Khurasani Ajmo
Ingredients : Khurasani Ajmo
English Name : Henbane
Latin Name : Hyoscyamus niger
Stem is simple unbranched, and about 0.5 meter in height. Leaves are sessile and smaller than biennial plant. The plant bears flowers in July or August. Flowers re paler than those of biennial plant and veins are less deep. It is also known as Stinking Nightshade.
Chemical constituents
Hyoscyamus contains 0.045 to 0.15%alkaloids, mainly hyoscyamine and traces of hyoscine. Hyoscyamine or atropine is an ester of tropic acid and tropine. Alkaloids are present mainly in the mid-rib and petiole but absent in stems, Hyoscyamus originally contains optically active laevorotatory alkaloid l-hyoscyamine. Optically active alkaloids possess greater medicinal activity than their corresponding optically inactive isomers. During extraction from the plant because of the action of heat or chemical agents like acid or alkali optical activity of hyoscyamine is lost and the corresponding optically inactive racemic atropine is obtained. Atropine is an isomer of hyoscyamine and consists of equal parts of l-hyoscyamine and d.hyoscyamine. Atropine possesses lesser activity than hyoscyamine.
Uses in Wormokill n Wormishel
It is considered as a powerful anthelmintic and febrifuge, it is used for the treatment of stomach or intestinal pain due to worm infection. It is also sedative and analgesic by nature. Reduces pain due to internal bacterial infections.
Khakhara Ark
Ingredients : Khakhara Ark
English Name : Khakhara ark
Latin Name : Butea frondosa
Uses in Happy Forte Capsule
It is used for all types of eye problems. Eye infection, Itching and loss of water in eyes. It is coolant as well as analgesic.
Ingredients : Kesuda
English Name : Bengal kino
Latin Name : Butea monosperma
It is also known as] dhak, flame of the forest, muduga oil, palas, tisso flowers and Bastard teak.
Uses in Diabetone Tablet
It contains hypoglycemic activity.
Uses in Hairol
It gives nourishment to the scalp and follicles. It also cures the lice formation. This plant kills Mosquitoes. They are attracted by the smell and color of the flower. Eggs that are laid into the liquid within the flower will never hatch. Any mosquito that touches the fluid can never escape from it. It is also used as a pigment.
Ingredients : Kesar
English Name : Saffron Cress
Latin Name : Crocus sativus
Chemical constituents
Crocon and crocetin,bitter principle picrocrocin and traces of volatile oil ,protocrocin, picrocrocin, trimethyl hydroxy carboxaldehyde cyclohexene, kaempherol, cis/trans-crocins and safranal. 2-nitroaniline.
Uses in Sheltatone Tonic
It is an antispasmodic, is used for the improvement of digestion and appetite,providing relief from gas and acidity related problems,it used for the treatment of kidney,bladder and liver disorders,it helps in improving circulation to organs of digestion,it is used in blood purified,antioxidant.
Ingredients : Katchki
English Name : Bondue fever nut
Latin Name : Caesaipinia bonducella
Chemical constituents
The seeds contain an alkaloid caesalpinine, bitter principles such as bonducin, saponins and fixed oil.
It containsbonducin which is having wormicide effect. The plant treats skin diseases, ulcers and leprosy. Buddhist Bauhinia is known to soothe gastrointestinal problems like, dysentery and diarrhea. It can also arrest hemorrhoids.
Ingredients : Karela
English Name : Bitter gourd
Latin Name : Momordica charantia
Chemical constituents
The plant contains several biologically active compounds, chiefly momordicin I and II, and cucurbitacin B.[4] The plants contains also several bioactive glycosides (including momordin, charantin, charantosides, goyaglycosides, momordicosides) and other terpenoid compounds (including momordicin-28,
momordicinin, momordicilin, momordenol, and momordol). It also contains cytotoxic (ribosome-inactivating) proteins such as momorcharin and momordin.
Uses in Diabetone Tablet
Bitter melon has been found to increase insulin sensitivity, Helps achieve positive sugar regulating effect by suppressing the neural response to sweet taste stimuli ,Helpful in Diabetes Mellitus,Lectins from bitter gourd have shown significant antilipolytic and lipogenic activities It is useful as an emtic, purgative, as an anthelmentic, in piles, leprosy, and jaundice . it is use in antidotal, antipyretic tonic, appetizing, stomachic, antibilious and laxative properties.
Ingredients : Jirah
English Name : Cummin
Latin Name : Cuminum cyminum
Chemical constituents
it contain 2.5 to 4 % volatile oil,10% of fixed oil and proteins,volatile oil mainly contain of30to50%ofcuminic alcohol,hydrated cuminaldehyde and hydro-cuminine.
Gasoshel Tablet
It is used as timulant,carminative,and also in diarrhea and dyspepsia.
Ingredients : Javkhar
English Name : Zalmiak
Latin Name : Potassium Carbonet
Chemical constituents
Potassium carbonate
Uses in Stonyl
It is the primary component of potash and it can reduce the incident on kidney stones.
Uses in Gasopain Bolus
It modifies the pH of digestive tract and thus it balances the system and expels the gas.
Ingredients : Hing
English Name : Asafoetida
Latin Name : Ferula assafoetida
Asafoetida occurs in two forms: tears and mass.Tears are usually agglutinated though few are separate. Tears are rounded or flattened 0.5 to 3 cm. in diameter. They are grayish white or dull yellow or some becoming reddish brown on keeping. Fresh tears are tough but when dried are hard and brittle. Tears are internally milky-white or yellowish translucent or opaque. Mass consists of agglutinated tears with foreign mass like stone, earth, pieces of roots. Calcium salts and is of inferior quality. Odour is intense, penetrating,
persistent, alliaceous and taste is bitter, acrid and alliaceous.
Chemical constituents:
Asafoetida contains 4 to 9% volatile oil, 65% resin and 20% gum and about 10% ash. Volatile oil contains pinene and organic disulphides including isobutyl propenyl disulphide responsible for the alliaceous odour. Resin consists of asaresinol ferulate, an ester of asaresinol nad ferulic acid, free ferulic acid and a resene asaresene. Because of the presence of free ferulic acid asafetida shows combined umbelliferone test. Ferulic acid when treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid is converted into umbellic acid, which loses water and forms lactone, 7-OH coumarin or umbelliferone. Umbelliferone shows blue fluorescence with ammonia.
Gasoshel Tablet
It is carminative, stimulant and anthelmintic, thus it is effective mainly in conditions like gas and acidity.
Uses in Monthex Capsule and Regulin Capsule/Bolus
This herb is considered useful in several problems concerning woman such as sterility, unusually painful, difficult and excessive menstruation. It excites the secretion of progesterone hormone. It is emmenagogue and useful in Amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea
Ingredients : Haldar
English Name : Turmeric
Latin Name : Curcuma Longa
Cúrcuma is a small perennial herb native to India bearing many rhizomes on its root system which are the source of its culinary spice known as Turmeric (Cúrcuma – rizoma secco in polvere) and its medicinal extract called Curcumin (Cúrcuma extracto refinado). a yellow/brown powder made from the dried rhizome of Curcuma Longa. It has a slight earthy flavor and little aroma. It is known for its color and for its healthgiving properties.
Chemical constituents
Uses in Utrona
Turmeric is one herb which brings back uterus back in proper shape and functioning. antioxidant; Arthritis: inhibits inflammation, possibly inhibiting something in the pathway of Cox-2 but not Cox-2 itself; not only does it not cause ulcers but is currently being used experimentally as a treatment for ulcers in western countries. Alzheimer’s Disease: inhibits formation of, and breaks down, Amyloid-beta oligomers (entwined fibres) and aggregates (lumps) in rodents; blood thinning: reduces clotting and clinging together of platelets; Cancer: causes apoptosis (death) of various cancer cell types including skin, colon, forestomach, duodenum and ovary in the laboratory; we await clinical trials; inhibits viral and fungal disease; inhibits bacteria including Helicobacter Pylori; Diabetes: reduces diabetes in rodents; we await clinical trials.
Ingredients : Gudmar
English Name : Cymnema, cowplant
Latin Name : Cymnema, cowplant
Chemical constituents
Sun dried leaves contain two resins / one that is insoluble in alcohol forming larger portion. Gudmar herb contains no tannins. Gudmar herb also contains new bitter neutral principle / albuminous & coloring matters / calcium oxalate / pararabin / glucose / carbohydrates / some tartaric acid & an organic acid alike glucoside that has anti-saccharine properties. herb also contains gymnemic acids / saponins / stigmasterol / quercitol / & amino acid derivatives betaine / choline & trimethylamine.
use in Diabetone Tablet
It contains the substances that decreases the absorption of sugar from intestine. It is used in the form of powder, paste and decoction to treat inflammation of glands, enlargement of spleen, indigestion, constipation, jaundice, piles, sinusitis, cough, respiratory diseases, feeling of heaviness in head, urinary stone, malarial fevers.Powder of the leaves is used in diabetes. When the herb is used for longer periods, it lowers the blood sugar. The herb’s extracts are used for curing various conditions such as obesity, anemia, high cholesterol levels, hyperglycemia, digestion, constipation, helminthiasis, amenorrhoea and hepatosplenomegaly.
Ingredients : Galo
English Name : Guduchi
Latin Name : Tinospora cordifolia
It is a big climber that grows by climbing on large trees and found throughout tropical India, ascending to an altitude of 1000 ft. The one, which climbs the neem tree, is considered of the best quality. The stems are fleshy. Roots are long thread like, aerial, arising from branches. Bark is thin, grayish or creamy white in colour, when peeled fleshy stem is exposed. Leaves are cordate that is heart shaped, membranous and juicy. Flowers are blooming during summer. Male flowers are small, yellow or green coloured occur in clusters. Female flowers occur singly. Fruits are pea shaped; fleshy, shiny turn red when boiled. Occur in winter. Seeds are curved. It is also known as Heart-leaved Moonseed.
Chemical constituents
Contains alkaloid berberin and glucoside Giloin. Also contains alkaloids tinosporine, tinosporide, tinosporaside, cordifolide, cordifol, heptacosanol, clerodane. Furano diterpene, diterpenoid furanolactone tinosporidine, columbin and b-sitosterol. Bitter principles are chasmanthin and palmarin.
Uses in Adalpine SP Tablet
It emeliorate the radiation induced oxidative stress and increases the phagocytic activity of macrophages, thus exhibits antipyretic effect mainly when the cause is infection and allergy.
Uses in Diabetone Tablet
It reduces blood sugar level and also effective in the condition of high cholesterol level.
Uses in Gynoshel Liquid
It reduces the pain during menstruation cycle and nourishes the body.
Uses in Livodin-12
It provides antioxidant effect and thus useful in liver diseases.
Uses in Sheltatone Tonic and Tonical
It is used for diabetes, high cholesterol, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), upset stomach, gout, lymphoma and other cancers, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), hepatitis, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), fever, gonorrhea, syphilis, and to boost the immune system. Uses in Sheltidine Cough Syrup: It is an expectorant and boosts the immune system of lungs. Highly effective in the conditions of chronic cough.
Uses in Utrona
his drug relaxes the intestinal and uterine smooth muscles. It is proved effective in prevention of fibrosis and in stimulating regeneration in hepatic tissue.
Uses in Malaria Mixture
It is improves the immune system of body and used against malaria.
Ingredients : Dhamasa
English Name : Cretica
Latin Name : Fagonia arabica
Chemical constituents
Ceryl alcohol, Chinovic acid, Harmine, Alanine, Arginine, Glycine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Phenylalanine, Oleanolic acid, Campesterol, Stigmasterol Ash value 9.12 %, Acid insoluble ash 0.43 %, Water soluble extractive 25.6 %, Alcohol soluble extractive 8.72 %, Crude fibre content 30.75 %, Loss on drying at 105 degree celcius – 6.6 %.
Uses in Stonyl
It is used as ananalgesic, antiinflammatory, antiamphetaminic, micturritive, coolant,skin diseases,anti-pyretic,urinary tract infection.
Coconut Oil
Ingredients : Coconut Oil
English Name : Coconut Oil
Latin Name : Cocos nucifera
Chemical constituents
It contains high saturated fat along with traces of few unsaturated fatty acids, such as monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Uses in Hairol
It is used as a base and also contains the beneficial effects. Coconut oil is one of the best natural nutrients for your hair. It helps in healthy growth of hair and gives your hair a shiny quality. It is also highly effective in reducing protein loss which can lead to various unattractive or unhealthy qualities in your hair.
Brahati Mula
Ingredients : Brahati Mula
English Name : Salai, Shalaki
Latin Name : Boswellia serrata
Chemical constituents
The green rhizomes contain 0.6% of volatile oil. The oil contain methyl Cinamate(48%), Cineole(25%), Camphor and pinene. it also contains resin,oily pungent galangol,alpinol, and di-oxyflavanol.
Uses in Mahanarayan Teil
It has potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects that can reduce the pain and inflammation of joints
Ingredients : Balchhad
English Name : Nard, Spikenard
Latin Name : Nardos tachyas
Chemical constituents
it contain 1 to 2% of pale yellow volatile oil,resin,sugar,starch and bitter principle,an alcohol and its isovaleric also contain jatamansic acid and ketones jatamansone and nardostachone.
Uses in Banotone Syrup
It is used as a sedative,anti-spasmodic,diuretic,emmengogue,and stomachic. It is
stimulant in small doses and also useful in epilepsy, hysteria,and palpitation of heart.
Uses in Regulin Capsule / Bolus
It is used as a sedative, anti-spasmodic, diuretic.
Ark Fudina
Ingredients : Ark Fudina
English Name : Fudina
Latin Name : Mentha spicata
Chemical constituents
it contain menthol as well as in the from of ester,it also contain 80% menthol,menthone,menthofuran,jasmine,menthyl isovalerate,menthyl acetate and several other terpene derivation.the other terpenes include limonene,isopulegone,cineole,pinene,camphene,etc.
Baldeepak Children Tonic
It is used as carminative ,stimulant,and flavouring has mild antiseptic properties is used in tooth paste,toth powders,shaving cream,and perfumes
Ark Bijora
Ingredients : Ark Bijora
English Name : Citron
Latin Name : Citrus medica
Chemical constituents
Fragran oil, Starch
Uses in Bijora Ark
It cures abdominal pain and spasm
Ark Ajwain
Ingredients : Ark Ajwain
English Name : Ajowan, Sisonammi
Latin Name : Trachyspermum ammi
This plant is an annual plant growing 0.6 to 0.4m. The stem is hollow, striate and much branched. Umbels are compound, 5 to 10 smooth or sparsely puberulent rays. They are hermaphrodite. Lower leaves are 2-3 pinnatisect, shortly petiolate with short sheathing base. Bracts are 4-5, linear, sometimes lobed. Bracteoles
3-6, linear lanceolate. Sparseley puberulent. Flowers are white, sepals are small, acute. Petals are hairy beneath. Fruits are 15-20mm in size, ovoid, laterally compressed and covered in grey papillae.Mericarps have prominent ridges and carpophore is present. Vittae are solitary. Pedicels are 1 to 4 mm in size and hairy.
Chemical constituents
The essential oil, 2.5 to 5% in dried fruits, is dominated by thymol. Furthermore, alpha pinene, p-cymene, limonene and gamma terpinene have been found.Monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids like cadinene, longifolene and camphor are present
Uses in Baldeepak Children Tonic
It is a tonic, diuretic, expectorant, relaxes spasms, and improves digestion, antiseptic. It can be used internally for coughs, colds, influenza, diarrhoea, indigestion and colic.It has its own aroma and can give a pleasant fragrance to the medical preparations
Due to thymol content, ajwain can be effective in treating ascarids and hookworms.
Uses in Wormokill and Wormishel
It imparts anti fungal, antimicrobial, germicide and antiseptic action. It kills hookworms and ascarids. Besides being anthelmintic, it is tonic and carminative in nature. It reduces the inflammation and pain of bacterial cause.
Ingredients : Arjuna
English Name : Kahu
Latin Name : Terminalia arjuna
Pieces of varying sizes up to 15 cm or more in length,10 cm or more in breadth, and 3 mm to 1 cm thick. Shape is flat or slightly curved. Outer surface is smooth and grey-coloured. Inner surface is finely striated and brown. Fracture is short, revealing stratified nature of the bark. Taste is astringent. It is also known as Kukubha, Maruthu and Arjuna-Sadra
Chemical constituents
Arjuna contains large quantities of calcium salts with smaller amount of aluminium and magnesium salts, 12% tannins, organic acids, a phytosterol, organic ester, colouring matter and sugar. From the benzene extract crystalline substances arjunine and arjunetine are isolated. Arjunine is acidic and its formula C21H32O3 and melts at 192C. Arjunetine is a derivative of hexahydrobenzoic acid and contains lactone ring and OH group. Arjuna also contains Arjunollic acid a triterpene saponin which is responsible for the diuretic property.
Uses in Livodin-12
It is a hepatoprotective and provides a significant protection against the biochemical alteration in liver and has a tonic effect in case of liver cirrhosis. o It is also immunomodulator and antiviral agent. It prevents the viral infections in the animal body and improves its immune status.
Arjun Chhal
Ingredients : Arjun Chhal
English Name : Kumbuk, kahua bark
Latin Name : Terminalia arjuna
Chemical constituents
it contain about 15% of tannins,it also contain triterpenoid,sponin,arjunolic contain b-sitosterol,ellagic acid,arjunic acid,it also contain a calcium,aluminium and mangnesium salt,along with colouring matter and sugar the other constituents of arjuna.
Use in Gynoshel Liquid
It is used as a cardiotonic,it is also styptic febrifuge and antidysenteric. It possesses diuretic and tonic properties.the drug exhibits hypotensive action with vasodilation and decreased heart rates. It is used extensively in the tanneries and also as a timber.
Ingredients : Shanjirahat
English Name : Talc Powder
Latin Name : Magnesium silicate
It occurs as foliated to fibrous masses, and in an exceptionally rare crystal form.
Chemical constituents
Hydrated Magnesium Silicate Mg3Si4O10(OH)2
Uses in Sherolax
In pharmaceuticals, talc is used primarily as a basis for powders. It is employed as an active agent and auxiliary agent, e.g. as a carrier for pharmaceuticals with a disinfectant, astringent, antiitching or cooling effect.
Ingredients : Shankha
English Name : Conch shell
Latin Name : Turbinella Rapa
The overall shape of the main body of the shell is oblong or conical. In the oblong form, it has a protuberance in the middle, but tapers at each end. The upper portion (the siphonal canal) is corkscrew-shaped, while the lower end (the spire) is twisted and tapering. Its colour is dull, and the surface is hard, brittle and translucent. Like all snail shells, the interior is hollow. The inner surfaces of the shell are very shiny, but the outer surface exhibits high tuberculation.
Chemical constituents
Shankha bhasma contains calcium, iron and magnesium and is considered to possess antacid and digestive properties.
Uses in Septokill and Germokill
It is prescribed for vata (wind/air) and pitta (bile) ailments thus it maintains the balance in the body and strengthens the immune system which will b helpful to treat the sepsis.
Ingredients : Selenium
English Name : Selenium
Latin Name : Se
Chemical constituents
Lysine amino acid
Selenium is an essential micro-nutrient for animals. Selenium is a component of the unusual amino acids selenocysteine and selenomethionine. Selenium also plays a role in the functioning of the thyroid gland and in every cell that uses thyroid hormone, by participating as a cofactor for the three of the four known types of thyroid hormone deiodinases, which activate and then deactivate various thyroid hormones and their metabolites.
Ingredients : Tagar
English Name : Indian Valerian
Latin Name : Valeriana wallichii
Rhizomes are Dull yellowish brown. 4 to 8 cm long, 5 to 10 mm. Thick, subcylindrical, dorsiventrally flattened, unbranched, rough and slightly curved. Upper surface is marked with raised encircling leaf scars, under surface bearing numerous small prominent root scars and a few rootlets. Crown bears remains of aerial stem bases with scale leaves. Stolons connect the rhizomes and are 1.5 cm to 5 cm. long, 2 to 4 mm thick, yellowish grey and longitudinally wrinkled. Stolons have nodes, internodes and adventitious roots. Occasionally few, thin stolons 1 to 2 mm. Thick are found. Roots are yellowish-brown, 3 to 5 cm. long and 1 mm. thick.
Chemical constituents:
It contains about 10% volatile oil. It contains esters, borneol formate, borneol, acetate and especially borneol isovalerianate, terpenes limonene, camphene and sesquiterpenes. 0.5% of three valepotriats or valtrats. Valtrats belong to monoterpene or irridoid series. They are esters of isovaleric, acetic, isocaproic and beta acetoxy isovaleric acids of polyhydroxy cyclopentane pyrans and contain epoxy oxide. Esterification takes place at three OH groups, hence the name valepotriats. Valerian mainly contains three valtratsvaltrat, acetoxy valtrat and didrovaltrat. Baldrinal an aldehyde is produced from decompositin of valtrats.
Uses in Sheltatone
Tagar is carminative, sedative, and stimulant and nervine tonic. It is used in nervous debility, stress and anxiety.
Uses in Hairol
Being a carmintive and stimulant, it helps in regulating the milk flow in cows and other animals
Uses in Banotone
Valerian gives protection against anxiety disorders and insomnia. It improves the concentration power in children and works as a tonic and sedative
Ingredients : Tulsi
English Name : Holi Basil
Latin Name : Ocimum sanctum
Annual herb 30-60 cm. high, much branched stems and branches usually purplish, sometimes woody below, clothed with soft spreading hairs. Leaves are 2.5-5 cm long and 1.6-3.2 cm broad, elliptical, oblong obtuse or acute. Margin entire or serrate, surface pubescent on both sides, minutely gland-dotted, base obtuse or acute, petioles 1.3-2.5 cm long slender, hairy. Inflorescene verticillate, flowers in racemes 15-20 cm long in close whorls. Bracts 3 mm, both long and broad, broadly ovate, calyx slender, pubescent, bilabiate, lower lip pubescent on the back. Stamens exserted, filaments slender, the upper pair with a small branched appendage at the base. Nutlets 1.25 mm long broadly ellipsoid, nearly smooth, yello with small balack markings. Seeds brownish, globose or sub-globose. Odour and taste aromatic and sharp.
Chemical constituents
Leaves contain 0.7 percent volatile oil. Volatile oil contains about 71 percent eugenol and 20 percent methyl eugenol. The oil contains also carvacrol and sesquiterpene hydrocarbon caryophyllene. The oil from plants in phillipines possesses sweet anise like odour. It contains methyl chavicol, cineole and linalool.
Uses in Livodin-12
Tulsi is aromatic, carminative, stimulant and antiseptic. It prevents derangement of liver function and carbon tetrachloride induced mortality; in addition to increase in physical resistance and cell mediated immunity.
Ingredients : Vaj
English Name : Calamus
Latin Name : Araceae
Chemical constituents
the drug contain 1.5 to 3.5% of volatile oil,starch,resin(2.5%) and tannin(1.5%) .volatile oil contain asaraldehyde. The other contents of the oil are as arose and eugenol
it is used as carminative ,bitter stimulant and vermifuge,sedative and tranquillaising properties. It is also known as Vaj, Ghoda Vaj, Bach and Calamus Rhizome.
Ingredients : Vaseline
English Name : Petroleum Jelly
Latin Name : Patrolatum
Petroleum jelly is a mixture of hydrocarbons, having a melting point usually within a few degrees of human body temperature, which is approximately 37 °C (99 °F).[2] It is flammable only when heated to liquid, then the fumes will light, not the liquid itself, so a wick material like leaves, bark, or small twigs is needed to ignite petroleum jelly. It is colorless, or of a pale yellow color (when not highly distilled), translucent, and devoid of taste and smell when pure.
Chemical constituents
Semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons (with carbon numbers mainly higher than 25) It is also known as white petrolatum and soft paraffin.
Uses in Cocoment Ointment and Septikill Ointment
It is used as a base and emolient
Ingredients : Vavding
English Name : Vidang
Latin Name : Emblia Ribes
Fruits are globular to sub-globular,warty, grayish-black 2.5 to 4 mm in diameter with remains of style at the apex. In few fruits pedicel about 1.2 mm long with persistant calyx is present. When pedicel is not present a circular scar is seen is seen at its place. Fruits are aromatic, hot and astringent. Epicarp is surface view consists of rounded cells with wrinkled cuticle. Fibro vascular bundles are irregularly placed and below these vascular bundles, layers of stone cells are placed. Endocarp consists of a single layer of palisade cells.
Chemical constituents
Active constituent is 2 percent embelin present in the seeds. It is a hydroquinone derivtive. Vilangin a dimmer of embelin is also present
Uses in Diabetone Tablet
It is having a direct action on tissue and provides hypoglycemic effect due to increase in insulin secretion. Uses in Livodin-12: It protects liver from the bacterial attack and provides nourishment. Uses in Wormishel and wormokill: It excels an anthelmintic and by this way kills worms.
Ingredients : Piper
English Name : long pepper
Latin Name : Piper longum
Fruit very small, ovoid, completely sunken embedded in solid fleshy spike, 2.5 – 4.0 cm long. Colour of fruit is light green to olive green when immature, after ripening colour changed to shining blackish green with aromatic odour and pungent taste producing numbness on tongue.
Chemical constituents
It contains aromatic oil that is about 0.7 %, piperine 4 to 5 % and an alkaloid and pipalartine. Besides this it contains sesamin and piplasterol. The root contains pipperin 0.15 to 0.18 %, pippalartin (0.13 to 0.20 %), pipperleguminin, sterols and glycosides.
Uses in Gasoshel Tablet and Digesta Powder
Piper Longum or Long Papper is good for Aromatic, stimulant, carminative and constipation.
Uses in Livodin-12
It protects liver and stimulates digestion.
Uses in Sarakva Oil and Meryn Tablet
When applied topically, it soothes and relieves muscular pains and inflammation. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is said to be a good rejuvenator. Piper Longum helps stimulate the appetite and it dispels gas from the intestines.
Uses in Sheltidine Cough Syrup
Piper Longum is most commonly used to treat respiratory infections such as stomachache, bronchitis, diseases of the spleen, cough, tumors, and asthma. Its other uses includes in gonorrhea, paralysis of the tongue ,advised in diarrhea , cholera, scarlatina ,Chronic Malaria, Viral hepatitis. An infusion of Piper Longum root is used after birth to induce the expulsion of the placenta. It is used as sedative in insomnia and epilepsy. Also as cholagogue in obstruction of bile duct and gall bladder.
Ingredients : Phosphorus
English Name : Phosphorus
Latin Name : Hesperus
It is used in the disease associated with phosphorus deficiency.
Ingredients : Nashotar
English Name : Indian Jalap
Latin Name : Ipomoea turpethum
Drug obtained in commerce consists mainly of stems of Ipomoea turpethum. Drug occurs in cylindrical of spirally twisted pieces. Pieces are 2 to 15 cm long and 3 to 5 mm in diameter. Outer surface is dirty grayishbrown to dark brown because of cork. Longitudinal wrinkles and ridges are present on the outer surface. Fracture is irregular and fractured surface shows a thin bark, large porous wood and hollow pith in the center. Roots are darker and longitudinally-furrowed. Fractured surface of root shows a wide bark and central wood. In the roots abnormal vascular bundles are present in the phelloderm. Odour is slight but characteristic and taste is unpleasant. It is also known as Turpeth Root, Turpeth and Nishoth.
Chemical constituents
The roots and rhizomes acontain 7 to 8% resin. According to rcent work from the alcohol soluble resin of the roots of I. Turpethum five glycosidic turpethinic acids have been isolated and their structures elucidated as gluco-gluco-rhamnosides of turpethinic acids. The turpethinic acid are 11. hydroxypalmitic acid or Jalapinolic acid, 3,12 dihydroxy pentadeceanoic acid or Operculonic acid and hither to unknown 3,12 dihydroxypalmitic acid, 4,12 dihydroxy pentadecanoic acid and 4,12 dihydroxypalmitic acid. The petrol ether and ether soluble part of the resin contained glycosidic acid consisting of jalapinolic acid, glucose and rhamnose. Volatile fatty acids are nearly the same as Jalap.
Uses in Livodin-12
It is a digestive stimulant, so increases the metabolism of vital nutrients as well as their absorption. It improves the appetite in the animal and provides nutritional balance in its body. This herb is a mild purgative and is used in case of hepatic toxicity. It detoxifies the body and the organs. In case of liver damage or a sluggish liver, the buildup of toxins in the system puts additional pressure on the liver, and thus it becomes necessary to clean the stomach for which nashotar is used.
Ingredients : Nagod
English Name : Nirgundi
Latin Name : Vitex negundo
Chemical constituents
Fresh leaves give 0.05% essential oil and air dried leaves give an lkaloid..Seeds contain tannin and Malic acid.
Uses in Meryn Tablet
They are useful in dispersing swellings of joints from acute rheumatism. The leaves are considered to be aromatic, tonic and vermifuge , dried leaves are smoked for relief of headache and catarrhal and With long pepper, the decoction of othe leaves is given in catarrhal fever with heaviness of head and dullness of hearing. Leaves are used as a bath in the puerperal state of women. Juice of the leaves is used for removing foetid discharges and worms from ulcers. Oil extracted from the leaves is applied to sinuses and scrofulous sores. Roots are used as expectorant febrifuge and tonic.
Ingredients : Methi
English Name : Fenugreek
Latin Name : BTrigonella foenum
It is also known as Alhova, Bird’S Foot, Greek Clover,Chandrika and Methika
Chemical constituents
bitter fixed oil, which can be extracted by ether; 22 per cent proteids; a volatile oil; two alkaloids, Trigonelline and Choline, and a yellow colouring substance. The chemical composition resembles that of cod-liver oil, as it is rich in phosphates, lecithin and nucleoalbumin, containing also considerable quantities of iron in an organic form, which can be readily absorbed. Reutter has noted the presence of trimethylamine, neurin and betain.
Uses in Meryn Tablet
It maintaining a good metabolism and prevents constipation. It purifies blood and helps in flushing out the harmful toxins. It helps in dissolving excess mucus, thereby making the digestive organ refreshed and clean. Also fenugreek seeds are useful in improving memory power too. neurasthenia, gout and diabetes it can be combined with insulin. loss of appetite, abdominal distension, gas and flatulence. It also gives respite in colds and fevers.
Uses in Digesta Poweder
It maintaining a good metabolism and prevents constipation. It purifies blood and helps in flushing out the harmful toxins. It helps in dissolving excess mucus, thereby making the digestive organ refreshed and clean.
Ingredients : Marorfali
English Name : Mrigashriuqa
Latin Name : Helecteres isora
It’s an East Indian shrub often cultivated for its hairy leaves and orange-red flowers. Its young shoots are clothed with stellate hairs. Leaves are biferous, ovate, orbicular, obliquely cordate, irregularly crowded, scabrous above. Flowers are axillary clusters having 2 to 6 flowers together. They are bilabiate, red at first fading to lead colour latter. Fruits are follicle of 5 to 6. They are beaked, spirally coiled. Seeds are numerous and angular.
Chemical constituents
6% tannins Isorinic acid, rosmarinic acid glycoside, rosmarinic acid. 4-O- beta – D glucopyranosyl rosmarinic acid. 4′-O -beta- D glucopyranosyl isorinic acid.
Dia Dys Tablet and Dia-vet Bolus
The roots, stem and fruits are used as anti diarrhoeal, vermifuge, emolient and anti-inflammatory. Mainly for stomach ache, Nausea, Abdominal pain and vomiting.
Ingredients : Manganese
English Name : Manganese
Latin Name : Mn
Manganese helps the body form connective tissue, bones, blood clotting factors, and sex hormones. It also plays a role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, calcium absorption, and blood sugar regulation. Manganese is also necessary for normal brain and nerve function.
Ingredients : Magnesium
English Name : Magnesium
Latin Name : Mg
Chemical constituents
Uses in Agrical
Magnesium is also used as a laxative for constipation and for preparation of the bowel for surgical or diagnostic procedures. It is also used as an antacid for acid indigestion. It is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels including chest pain, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, high levels of “bad” cholesterol called low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, low levels of “good” cholesterol called highdensity lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, heart valve disease (mitral valve prolapse), and heart attack. Magnesium is also used for treating attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, leg cramps during pregnancy, diabetes, kidney stones, migraineheadaches, weak bones (osteoporosis), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), altitude sickness, urinary incontinence, restless leg syndrome, asthma, hayfever, multiple sclerosis, and for preventing hearing loss.
Lemon Juice
Ingredients : Lemon Juice
English Name : Lemon Juice
Latin Name : Citrus limona
Chemical constituents
Borax, lemon and sulphur are mixed together in the juice
Uses in Lemonade and Orange Barley Water
The lemon is cooling and soothing and has a tonic value. It is also given in cases of nausea, anorexia, indigestion and distension. There are several other preparations for treating gas, distension and constipation which are also prepared in the juice of lemon.
Karanj Oil
Ingredients : Karanj Oil
English Name : Naktamala
Latin Name : Pongamia glabra
Karanj is a fast growing, glabrous, deciduous tree; 25 m. tall, branches drooping, trunk diameter being 60 cm. Bark is smooth, gray. Leaves are imparipinnate and shiny. Young leaves are pinkish red, mature leaves are glossy, deep green. Flowers are fragrant, white to pinkish, paired along rachis in axillary, pendent, long racemes or panicles. Calyx is campanulate or cup shaped. Pods are short stalked, oblique oblong flat, smooth, thickly leathery to sub woody, indehiscent, 1-seeded. Seeds are thick and reniform. It is also known as Karanja, Pongam Oil Tree and Indian Beech
Chemical constituents
It contains various alkaloids like demethoxy kanugin, gamatay, glabrin, glabrosaponin, kaempferol, kanjone, kanugin, karangin, neoglabrin, pinnatin, pongamol, pongapin, quercitin, saponin, beta sitosterol and tannin. Also contains moisture, fatty acid, protein, starch, crude fiber and ash. Fatty acids include palmitic, stearic, arachidic, oleic, linoleic, behenic and eicosenoic acid. Distillation of oil gives methanol, acetone, esters, charcoal and pyroligneous acid.
Uses in Septikill and Germokill
The oil is insecticidal, antiseptic, antiparasitic and has cleansing properties. It is very effective in treatment of scabies, itch, herpes, eczema and maggot infested sores. It is also very much effective in treating animals with mange and other skin problems.
Karanj is useful in treating the swelling of the wounds, it is effective against the bacteria like Bacillus mycoides, pseudomonas mangiferae and staphylocoocus albus.
Kapoor Kanchali
Ingredients : Kapoor Kanchali
English Name : Sutti, Hedichim
Latin Name : Hedichium spicatum
It is an annual herb, with a horizontal root- stock, and tuberous rootfibres, leaves are 30 cms or more in length. Inflorescence is spiked. Flowers ascending and dense yellow colored. Capsule is globose. It is hardy to zone 8 and is frost tender. It is in flower in October. The flowers are hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils.
Chemical constituents
The dried rhizome of the plant contains essential oil, starch, resins, organic acids and a glycoside; albumen and saccharine are also present. The essential oil has ethyl ester of p-methoxy cinnamic acid, d-sabirene cineole, sesquiterpenes and pentadecane methyl paracumarine acetate. It contains sitosterol and its Dglycoside.
Uses in Dia Dys Tablet and Dia-vet Bolus
It is carminative, stimulant and anti inflammatory so gives protection against inflammation and irritation in intestine. It also prevents bacterial infections on stomach.
Ingredients : Kapoor
English Name : Camphor
Latin Name : Cinnamomum camphora
Chemical constituents
Its bark contains a major constituent as cinnamaldehyde that imparts it the very peculiar odor and flavor. The oil is extracted from the leaf that contains eugenol and iso eugenol that imparts it a very harsh odor; besides these it contains minerals a active component known as camphor that imparts it the properties
Uses in Sarakva Oil
It also warms the skin and is easily absorbed when applied topically, making it a particularly effective treatment for arthritic and rheumatic joint pain. It is indicated in all disease that involves the three dosha i.e. vata, pitta and kapha. It is a very good pain reliever. It is very effective in convulsions and respiratory disorders. It removes the bad odor from mouth. It improves taste of mouth. It stimulates heart and improves blood circulation. It first vaso-dilates the arteries and afterwards constrict them. It has a good role in respiratory system as it helps in expelling extra amount of mucus in the respiratory tract. It improves the condition of throat. In increases the urine output.
Uses in Septikill
Camphor essential oil include it properties as a stimulant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, decongestant, anesthetic, sedative and nervous pacifier, antineuralgic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and insecticide substance.
Ingredients : Kalonji
English Name : Fennel flower
Latin Name : Nigella sativa
An annual herbaceous plant, black cumin seed is believed to be indigenous to the Mediterranean region but
has been cultivated into other parts of the world including the Arabian Peninsula, northern Africa and parts
of Asia. It is tiny and hairy, being no more than 3mm in length, it has finely divided foliage and pale bluish
purple or white flowers. The flowers grow terminally on its branches while the leaves grow opposite each
other in pairs, on either side of the stem. Its lower leaves are small and petioled. The upper leaves are long.
The stalk of the plant reaches a height of twelve to eighteen inches as its fruit, the black seed, matures. It is
bisexual and forms a fruit capsule, which consists of many white triagonal seeds. Once the fruit capsule has
matured, It opens up and the seeds contained within are exposed to the air, becoming black in colour.
Chemical constituents:
Numerous esters of fatty acids with terperne alcohols. Two type of alkaloids, one is isochinoline alkaloids like nigellimin and nigellimin-N-oxide. Second is pyrazol alkaloids which include nigellidin and nigellicin. The essential oil contains thymoquinone, p-cymene, alpha pinene, dithymoquinone and thymohydroquinone. Other terpene derivatives are carvacrol, carvone, limonene, 4-terpineol and citronellol. Essential oil further contains fatty acid ethyl esters. On storage thymoquinone yields ithymoquinonene and higher oligocondensation products. The seed also contains a fatty oil which is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, mainly linoleic acid, oleic acid, eicodadienoic acid and dihomolinoleic acid.
Uses in Mahanarayan Teil
The herb is antihelmintic, carminative, emmenagogue and stimulant. It is helpful in the treatment of menstrual disorders.
Uses in Monthex Capsule and Regulin Capsule/Bolus
It is extremely useful in Period Pain (leucorrhoea, white discharge, menses discharges 2 to 4 times a month, stomach pain, back pain)
Ingredients : Kalmishora
English Name : Nitrate Salt
Latin Name : Potassium Nitrate
This colorless chemical compound is found pure in nature as the mineral altpeter, or nitre. Potassium nitrate is a crystalline salt that resembles table salt.
Chemical constituents
Potassium nitrate KNO3
Uses in Stonyl
It dissolves kidney stone and also Medical potassium supplements are known to lower blood pressure.
Uses in Gasopain Bolus
It reacts with the gas present in digestive tract and expels it out of the body.
Ingredients : Jatamansi
English Name : Indian Valerian
Latin Name : Nardostachys jatamansi
The drug is usually covered with red to brown fibers, which are the accumulated remains of leaf bases. In the fibers remains of aerial shoots are also seen. Rhizome is cylindrical and with brown to deep grayish fibers is 1 to 5 cm long and 0.5 to 3 cm in Diameter. The internal colour of rhizome is red to brown. If all the leaf bases, aerial shoots and adventitious roots are removed, the rhizome shows rough surface with transverse rings. These rings represents the scars of nodes, leaf bases and the adventitious roots, Fracture is splintery. Adventitious roots are thin,Branched ard red to brown in colour. Odour is slight and aromatic and taste is aromatic and pungent. It is also known as Indian Spike Nard and Mansi.
Chemical constituents
Jatamansi contains Volatile oil and Volatile oil Contais a Ketone Jatamansone. It also contains Jatamansic acid.
Uses in Hairol
A hair tonic promotes growth and imparts blackness and luster to hair.
Makes hair more manageable and imparts a smoother and softer texture.
Prevents hair loss and good for dry scalp. The oil of Jatamansi is an calmative, sedative and antiseptic in nature.
Effective for tension, stress, migraine, nervous indigestion and insomnia.
Helps in enhancing and balancing all aspects of mental functioning including comprehension, memory and recollection. It has a particular effect of calming.
Uses in Lactona
It helps in increasing the flow of the milk in animals with scanty milk roduction.
Jambu Seeds
Ingredients : Jambu Seeds
English Name : Syzygium fruit
Latin Name : Eugenia jambolana
Chemical constituents
Acetone extract of the bark and seeds contain partially methylated derivatives of ellagic acid i.e. 3,3?-di-Omethyl ellagic acid and 3,3?, 4-tri-O-methyl ellagic acid. Alcoholic extraction of tannins results into their extensive degradation into simple phenolic compounds.
Uses in Diabetone Tablet
It decreases the level of blood glucose, blood urea and cholesterol, increases glucose tolerance and levels of total protein and liver glycogen, decreases the activity of glutamine oxaloacetate transaminase and glutamate pyruvate transaminase in experimental diabetic.
Ingredients : Hermala
English Name : Harmel
Latin Name : Peganum harmala
Peganum Harmala is a perennial shrub with fleshy spikey-looking leaves, growing up to 1 meter tall. Its small, brown seeds contain Harmine and other harmala alkaloids. Seeds ripen in September. Flowers are showy, single, white, 1 to 2 cm diameter, having 5 petals and sepals. Fruit are spherical 3-valved capsules, which are 6 to 10 mm in diameter. Each capsule contains more than fifty ark-brown, angular seeds.
Chemical constituents
Seeds contain Harmine, Harmaline and other harmala alkaloids. These unusual alkaloids are psychoactive derivatives of B-carboline.
Uses in Monthex Capsule and Regulin Capsule / Bolus
This shrub is emmenagogue and uterine stimulant. It is take internally in treatment of sexual and menstrual problems.
Ingredients : Gorakhmundi
English Name : Rice field weed
Latin Name : Sphaeranthus indicus
Chemical constituents
Ionone,d-cadinene,p-methoxy cinnamaldehyde as majoraMethyl chavicol,-ionene,b-terpinene,citral,geraniol, geranyl acetate, aconstituents and sphaerene as minor constituents of essential oil have been identified.
The herb has a bitter taste. All the parts of the plants are used for medicinal purpose. It is used as laxative and tonic. It increases the appetite. Useful for treatment of Hepatitis B. The roots, stem, leaves, fruits and flowers almost all the parts are used as Ayurvedic herbal medicine. laxative, digestible, tonic, fattening, alterative, anthelmintic and alexipharmic. It is used in insanity, tuberculosis, indigestion, bronchitis, spleen diseases, elephantiasis, anaemia, pain in uterus and vagina, piles, asthma, leucoderma, dysentery.
Ingredients : Gokhru
English Name : Puncture vine
Latin Name : Tribulus terrestris
Chemical constituents
Saponins – glucopyranosyl galactopyrans, ruscogenin, hecogenin, diosgenin;Polysaccharides;Sterols, sitosterol, campesterol; Flavonoidskaempferol, kaempferol, glycosides, quercetin; Fatty acids – palmitic, stearic, oleic, Linoleic acid; Tannins; Potassium salts.
Uses in Gynoshel Liquid
Cooling, Diuretic, Tonic, Aphrodisiac, used in painful Micturation, calculus affection urinary discharges, the treatment of urinary disorders, kidney diseases, diseases of the genito-urinary system, calculus affections and impotence.
Uses in Lemonade and Orange Barley Water
It is coolant, diuretic, tonic, Aphrodisiac. Used in painful micturation, calculus affection urinary discharges, the treatment of urinary disorders, kidney diseases, diseases of the genito-urinary system, calculus affections and impotence.
Uses in Sheltatone Tonic
Gokhru is indicated for use for regulation of heart functions, reduction of inflammation, indigestion, chronic cough and asthma also. In Ayurveda it is considered that Gokhru helps to improve vitality and vigor. Recent researches have proved it to be effective as analgesic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, lithotriptic, nervine, rejuvenative, tonic.
Uses in Stonyl
It helps in breaking and elimination of kidney stone from body.
Gajar Beej
Ingredients : Gajar Beej
English Name : Bees nest
Latin Name : Daucus carota
It is also known as bird s nest, devil s plague, queen annes lace and wild carrot.
Chemical constituents
It includes dry matter, total soluble solids (TSS), ?-carotene, total and reducing sugars, phenolics, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, sodium potassium and ash
Uses in Monthex Capsule and Regulin Capsule / Bolus
Medicinal uses include dropsy, retention of urine, gravel, bladder problems, flatulence, nephritic complaints, ulcer, amenorrhea, eczema, itching, liver disorders, cancer, painful urination (strangury), dysmenorrhea, abscesses, carbuncles, scrofula, bad wounds, and colic
Deshi Mom
Ingredients : Deshi Mom
English Name : Honey Bee Wax
Latin Name : Honey Bee Wax
Beeswax is a tough wax formed from a mixture of several compounds. An approximate chemical formula for beeswax is C15H31COOC30H61.[7] Its main components are palmitate, palmitoleate, and oleate esters of long-chain (30-32 carbons) aliphatic alcohols, with the ratio of triacontanyl palmitate CH3(CH2)29O-CO-(CH2)14CH3 to cerotic acid[8] CH3(CH2)24COOH, the two principal components, being 6:1.
Chemical constituents
It is mainly esters of fatty acids and various long-chain alcohols.
Cocoment Ointment: It is used as an emolient and mosturizer as well as a base.
Ingredients : Daruhaldi
English Name : Berberry
Latin Name : Berberis asiatica
Chemical constituents
it contain tannin, resin, gum, starch and other alkaloid. The roots and stems bark contains a number of alkaloids, of whichthe chief active alkaloid is berberine. Besides, berberine, it also contains Oxyberberine, berbamine, aromoline, karachine, palmatine, Oxyacanthine and taxilamine.
Uses in Livodin-12
The roots of daruhaldi, berberis aristata have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial behavior. Berberis aristata powder is widely demanded as this is very effective as an antiseptic, laxative, stomatic, antipyretic etc. The roots of berberis aristata are also used for the treatment of amenorrhoea. The fruit is sweet and sour in taste and has a cold potency. Daruhaldi has diaphoretic, rejuvenating, antipyretic properties and is a bitter tonic.
Uses in Stonyl
Daruhaldi is bitter and astringent in taste , pungent in the post digestive effect and hot in potency. It alleviates kapha and pitta dosas. It possesses light and dry attributes.
Uses in Mahanarayan Teil
It can possess anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-diabetic activities.
Uses in Sheltidine Cough Syrup
It has diaphoretic, rejuvenating, anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is effective as an analgesic and alleviates kapha and pitta dosas.
Uses in Malaria Mixture
It is a bitter tonic and cures malaria.
Choline Chloride
Ingredients : Choline Chloride
English Name : Choline Chloride
Latin Name : Choline Chloride
Chemical constituents
2-hydroxy-N, N, N-trimethylethanaminium chloride OR (2-hydroxyethyl)trimethylammonium chloride.
Choline Chloride is an essential nutrient for optimum animal growth through building and maintaining cell structure and function. Choline is associated with the metabolism and synthesis of glycine, betaine, cysteine, serine, methionine and many other methyl containing biological compounds.
Ingredients : Chitrak
English Name : White Leadwort
Latin Name : Plumbago zeylanica
The fruit of the plant is an oblong (7.5-8 mm long) five-furrowed capsule containing single seed. Each seed is oblong in structure, 5-6 mm long and reddish- brown to dark brown in colour. Roots are straight, smooth, branched or unbranched, with or without secondary roots and about 30 cm or more in length and 6 cm in diameter. They are light- yellow when fresh and become reddish-brown on drying. The roots have a strong and characteristic odour with acrid and bitter taste.
Chemical constituents
Different plant parts of the plant possess naphthaquinones, alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, triterpenoids, tannins, phenolic compounds, flavanoids, saponins, coumarins, carbohydrates, fixed oil and fats and proteins. Of all the chemical constituents’ plumbagin is the principle active compound. Plumbagin (5-hydroxy-2- methyl-1, 4- naphthoquinone- C11H8O3) is primarily present in roots in higher amounts with only about 1% in the whole plant
Uses in Happy Forte Capsule
Chitrak is used in treating intestinal troubles, dysentery, leucoderma, inflammation, piles, bronchitis, itching, diseases of the liver, and consumption. The leaves of this herb work well for treating laryngitis, rheumatism, diseases of the spleen, ring worm, scabies, and it acts as an aphrodisiac. A tincture of the root bark is used as an anti-periodic. Chitrak root helps improve digestion and it stimulates the appetite. A tincture of the root bark is used as an anti-periodic.
Uses in Livodin-12:
Chitrak root helps improve digestion and it stimulates the appetite. Rootbark is also considered useful in liver diseases and obesity
Uses in Monthex
It is used in menstrual disorders and digestive disturbances
Ingredients : Bhumyamalaki
English Name : Kura Amluki
Latin Name : Phyllanthus amarus
A slender annual herb, 15-45 cm high, branched from the base, with an erect stem nacked below and slender leafy angular branches above. Leaves very small, 6-8 mm, subsessile, elliptic-obovate, oblong or linear, tip rounded, obtuse or acute. Flowers minute, very numerous, shortly pedicelled. Capsule minute, depressed globose.
Chemical constituents
it contain bitter principles andrographolide,a bicyclic diterpenoid lactone.
Plant is considered astrigent, deobstruent, stomachic, diuretic, febrifuge and antiseptic; used for the treatment of jaundice, leucorrhoea, dyspepsia, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, dropsy, gonorrhoea and diseases of urinogenital system; also useful in diabetes, scabies and ringworms. Young tender shoots are good for chronic dysentery. Hot infusion of the leaves is drunk to stop acute pain in the stomach. Fresh roots are beneficial in jaundice.
Ingredients : Bhringraj
English Name : False Daisy
Latin Name : Eclipta alba
Roots well developed, cylindrical, grayish. It is also named ‘kehraj’ in Assamese and karisalankanni in Tamil. Floral heads 6-8 mm in diameter, solitary; florets white; achene compressed and narrowly winged. It is also known as Keshraj, Keshranjana,Kesuri, Maka, Mochkand,Galagara and Babri.
Chemical constituents
It contains mainly coumestans i.e. wedelolactone (I) and demethylwedelolactone (II), polypeptides, polyacetylenes, thiophene-derivatives, steroids, triterpenes and flavonoids.
In Ayurveda the plant is considered a rasayana for longevity and rejuvenation. It is mainly use for hair growth and rejuvenation.
Ingredients : Ardusi
English Name : Malabar nut
Latin Name : Adhatoda vasica
It is also known as Malabar chestnut, White vasa, Yellow vasa and Vasaka.
Chemical constituents
It contain quinazoline derivatives such as vasicine,vasicione and 6-hydroxyl vasicine.biochemically,vasicine is oxidised to its ketonic derivative vasicinone and the latter exerts main activity as bronchodilator.the drug also contains volatile oil ,betain and vasatin, adhatodic acid.
Uses in Sheltidine Cough Syrup
Vasaka is used as expectorant and bronchodilator. The large doses are irritant and cause vomitting and diarrhoea. The pharmacological investigations have shown that vasicine also shows oxytocic property similar to oxytocine and methyl ergometrine. Vasicine also shows abortificient action and both the actions are due to release of prostaglandins. Bromhexine HCL is a synthetic derivative of vasicine which changes the structure of bronchial secretions and reduces viscosity of sputum.
ngredients : Anjeer
English Name : Figtree
Latin Name : Ficus carica
Chemical constituents
Phytochemical studies on F. carica revealed the presence of numerous bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds, phytosterols, organic acids, anthocyanin composition, triterpenoids, coumarins, and volatile compounds such as hydrocarbons, aliphatic alcohols.
Uses in Sheltatone Tonic
Leaves, fruits, and roots of F. carica are used in native medicinal system in different disorders such as gastrointestinal (colic, indigestion, loss of appetite, and diarrhea), respiratory (sore throats, cough, and bronchial problems), inflammatory, and cardiovascular disorders.
Ingredients : Angaravalli
English Name : Indian Beech Tree
Latin Name : Pongemia glabra
Leaf: Alternate, odd pinnately compound, 2 to 4 inches, evergreen, hairless. Seed: Compressed ovoid or elliptical, been-like, 10-15cm long, dark brown, oily.
Chemical constituents
It contain alkaloids demethoxy-kanugin, gamatay, glabrin, glabrosaponin, kaempferol, kankone, kanugin, karangin, neoglabrin, pinnatin, pongamol, pongapin, quercitin, saponin, ?-sitosterol and tannin. Seeds have 19.0% moisture, 27.5% fatty oil, 17.4% protein, 6.6% starch, 7.3% crude fibre and 2.4% ash. Manurial values of leaves and twigs are respectively: nitrogen 1.16, 0.71; phosphorus 0.14, 0.11; potash 0.49, 0.62; and lime (CaO), 1.54, 1.58%.
Uses in Ekkol Liquid
It is potential for biocidal activity against V. cholerae and E. coli, as well an antiinflammatory, antinociceptive (reduction in sensitivity to painful stimuli) and antipyretic (reduction in fever) properties. There is also research indicating that the oil can be used as a natural insecticide.
Anar Chhal
Ingredients : Anar Chhal
English Name : Pomegranate
Latin Name : Punica granatum
Chemical constituents
Polyphenols, tannins, anthocyanins, vitamin C, A, E and folic acid, arachidic acid,carotene. Proteins, fat, carbohydrates. Also contains Phosphorus, chlorine, chlorogenic acid, calcium, boric acid, Iron, Sodium, potassium and fibers. Alkaloid pelletierine. Glycoside cerebroside, cyanidin-3-diglucoside, cyaniding-3- glucoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside. Estradiol, estrone,flavogallol, sugar fructose,matose and glucose, Ellagitannin punicalagin. Which has antimicrobial activity. Gallic acid, granatin A, garanatin B,malvidin, malvidin pentose glycoside. Punica folin, Punicic acid, puniclagin, punicalin. Water, wax.
Uses in Dia Dys Tablet and Dia-vet Bolus
The fruit pulp is astringent, anti inflammatory and stomachic and can be used for diarrhoea. Because of its tannin content it could be given to halt dysentery and hemorrhages. It has got anthelmintic properties and all the parts of pomegranate contain unusual alkaloid, known as pelletierine, which paralyze tapeworms so that they are easily expelled from the body. It can also be used in amoebic dysentery and leucorrhoea
Ingredients : Amrutphal
English Name : MGooseberry
Latin Name : Emblic myrobalan
Chemical constituents
Phenolic compounds, tannins, phyllembelic acid, phyllembelin, rutin, curcum-inoids, and emblicol.
Used in traditional medicines
Used in traditional medicines for the treatment of diarrhea, jaundice, and inflammation. Various plant parts show antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiulcerogenic, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, and chemopreventive properties. Here we discuss its historical, etymological, morphological and pharmacological aspects.
Vitamin K
Ingredients : Vitamin K
English Name : Menatetrenone
Latin Name : Menatetrenone
Vitamin K is used to treat and prevent low levels of certain substances (blood clotting factors) that your body naturally produces. These substances help your blood to thicken and stop bleeding normally (e.g., after an accidental cut or injury). Low levels of blood clotting factors increase the risk for unusual bleeding. Vitamin K helps to treat and prevent unusual bleeding by increasing the body’s production of blood clotting factors.
Vidari Kand
Ingredients : Vidari Kand
English Name : Giant potato
Latin Name : Ipomoea paniculata
This herb grows in India. It is a perennial climber with large, ovoid and tuberous roots. Its leaves are large, ovate lanceolate, acute or acuminate and glabrous. Flowers are campanulate and occur in axillary cymes. Corolla is purple in colour. Ovary is four celled. Fruits occur in capsule form, ovoid in shape and each fruit contains four seeds, which are woolly and black in colour. It is also known as Finger leaf morning-glory.
Chemical constituents
Beta sitosterol, taraxerol and sitosterol. Glycoside paniculatin. Alantolacton, isoalantolactone, dihydroalantolactone, dihydroisoalantolactone, daucosterol and Inunolide.
Uses in Sheltatone
Vidarikand is alternative, demulcent, rejuvenative and tonic. It is used for ebility and poor digestion.
Uses in Lactona
Vidarikand is rejuvenative, tonic and galactogogue. It increases the secretion of milk and corrects the deficiency if any.
Uses in Utrona
Vidarikand is rejuvenative, tonic and galactogogue. It increases the secretion of milk and corrects the hormonal deficiency if any.
Uses in Happy Forte
It can help overcome general debility. It is an anti aging drug and sexual ebuilding tonic, that supports sexual pleasure, fertility and performance.
Ingredients : Uplet
English Name : Costus, Kuth
Latin Name : Suassurca Lappa
Colour of fresh root is dirty grey to light yellow but on drying yellowish brown to blackish brown or dull red. Fractures are short and horny. Odour is aromatic and strong. Taste is bitter.
Chemical constituents
it contain about 6% resinoids,1.5% of essential oil,18% of insulin,0.5% of an alkaloid,fixed oil,traces of tannins and sugar.
Uses in Meryn Tablet
It is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, cough with cold, stomachache, dysmenorrhea, and altitude sickness, and has been found to have antiinflammatory, cardiotonic, abortifacient, anticancer, and antifatigue actions. Ethanol extracts were shown to have analgesic and antiinflammatory effects at doses, it is tonic, stomachic, stimulant, carminative, used for asthama, diuretic, antiseptic, cough, cholera, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic and also used to insecticide, pesticide. The roots are highly aromatic used in perfumeries. Roots are used for skin diseases.
Ingredients : Triphala
English Name : Triphala
Latin Name : Ter.chebula+Ter.belerica+Emb.officinalis
Combination of Terminalia chebula, Embelica officinalis and Terminalia belerica Color: Yellowish brown Odour: Pungent Taste: Citrus and sour
Chemical constituents
Amla: Fruit is a rich source of vitamin C(600-750mg/100g of fresh pulp) 0.5% fat Phyllemblin 5% tannin Minerals like phosphorus, iron and calcium. Pectin 75% moisture The vitamin content of amla is maintained by the presence of tannins that retard oxidation. Haritaki: Tannins, chebulinic acid, tannic acid, gallic acid, chebulin, arjungenin, arjun glucoside, arjunolic acid, chebulagic acid, chebupentol, corilagin, daucosterol, ellagic acid, punicalagin, quercetin, terchebin, terchebulin, behenic acid. Baheda: Chebulagic acid, Ellagic acid, Ethyl ester, Gallic acid, Mannitol, Rhamnose, Bellericanin, Oxalic acid, Palmitic, Oleic acid, Linoleic acid,B-setosterol,glucose,galactose ,fructose.
Uses in B-Kleen
It cleanses colon, keeps liver healthy, and flush outs body toxins. It is also a natural resistance to free radical damage. Hence used as blood purifier Adalpine: It scavenges diammonium salt and radicals in a dose dependent manner. Thus it exhibits gastroprotective as well as antipyretic effect.
Uses in Diabetone Tablet
It helps stimulating the pancrease. Pancrease contains the islet of langerhans that secrets insulin. Insulin is responsible for maintaining the proper glucose level in the body.
Uses in Gasoshel Tablet
It is very effective in treating acidity, hyperacidity or acid reflux. It helps in regularizing the digestive tract and also helps in maintaining the normal peristaltic movements thus it corrects the indigestion.
Uses in Utrona
It is used in nurturing of the ovaries, strengthening of the uterus, and overall support for reproductive health.
Uses in Malaria Mixture
Triphala stimulates the body immune system and having inhibitory effect on malaria parasites and thus acts as an anti malaria agent.
Sat Lemon
Ingredients : Sat Lemon
English Name : Citric acid
Latin Name : Citric acid
Uses in Stonyl
citric acid prevents the formation of kidney stones and ensures proper functioning of the kidneys. Citric acid’s ability to chelate calcium and its alkalizing properties make it useful as a method for preventing kidney stones as well as several other
Uses in Lemonade and Orange Barley Water
It gives cooling and soothing effect and has a tonic value.
Sarsav Tel
Ingredients : Sarsav Tel
English Name : Indian mustard
Latin Name : Brassica juncea
Chemical constituents
It contain volatile oil, glucose, potassium, hydrogen sulphate and a sulphurcontaining compound. it contain alba was 5% of the total seed weight. Analysis of the components in the crude mucilage revealed 80% to 94% carbohydrates, 1.7% to 15% ash, and 2.2 to 4.4% protein. The ratio of carbohydrates included 22% to 35% glucose, 11% to 15% galactose, and smaller amounts of mannose, rhamnose, arabinose, and xylose8.
Uses in Sarakva Oil
It is useful in rheumatic pains (increases flow of blood to a specific area). It is mainly used as a base. It is useful in skin diseases. It is useful in Bodyache, Piles, Pyorrhoea, Itching, Urticaria, Diseases of skin, Diseases of eyes, Disease of head, Leucoderma, Skin disease and Ulcer.
Satodi Mool
Ingredients : Satodi Mool
English Name : Horse purslene
Latin Name : Boerhaavia diffusa
Formerly an alkaloid punarnavine was reported which is probably allantoin isolated later. Drug contains large amount of potassium nitrate and other potassium salts. It also contains heterocontane, ursolic acid and beta sitosterol which may be partly free and partly as palmitate.
Chemical constituents
Uses in Stonyl
Punarnava is used as diuretic. Aqueous decoction is found useful in nephritic syndrome. Its diuretic activity acts quickly for kidney infections and urinary tract infection. It quickly increases urine flow and the alkaloidal effects work to help detoxify the system of infection and speed up the excretory processes.
Uses in Livodin-12
Punarnava is mainly used for liver disorders like jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, anemaia, flukes etc. It performs detoxification and helps even in chemical injury.It is a hepatotonic so tones, balances and strengthens the liver.
Uses in Sheltatone Tonic
It is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation which is prescribed in conditions like anemia, jaundice, generalized edema, swelling and fluid accumulation, fluid retention in feet. It is also a best herbal remedy for ascites, disorders associated with liver and spleen, skin diseases, kidney diseases, fluid retention due to kidney failure or liver failure.
Uses in Utrona
It acts as an uterine tonic and makes it strong and gives the nourishment to it.
Ingredients : Sarpagandha
English Name : Indian snakeroot
Latin Name : Rauvolfia serpentina
Chemical constituents
yohimbine, reserpine, ajmaline, deserpidine, rescinnamine, serpentinine.
Uses in Bipinyl : Indian snakeroot is used for mild high blood pressure, nervousness, trouble sleeping (insomnia), and mental disorders such as agitated psychosis and insanity.
Ingredients : Sanchal
English Name : Black salt
Latin Name : Sodiai Chloradum
Chemical constituents
Kala namak consists primarily of sodium chloride and trace impurities of sodium sulfate, iron sulfide, and hydrogen sulfide.
Uses in Gasoshel Tablet and Tonical
Is used as a laxative and digestive aid. It is also believed to relieve intestinal gas and heartburn. It is sometimes used by people with high blood pressure or on low-salt diets because it is thought to be lower in sodium and purportedly does not increase sodium content in the blood. This is used as a stool softener and is a remedy for constipation. Hypertensive patients are also advised to use black salt instaed of common salt. It is also believed to relieve intestinal gas and heartburn.
Ingredients : Rasna
English Name : Rashana
Latin Name : Pluchea lanceolata
Rasna is an undershrub, growing up to 1.5 m tall, with whitish or greyish branches. Leaves are sessile, 1-7 cm long, 0.3-2 cm wide, oblong-invert-ed-lanceshaped, with a tiny point at the tip, leathery, minutely velvety on both surfaces. Margin is entire or obscurely toothed at the tip. Flower-heads are purplish, ovoid or bell-shaped, 3-5 mm in diameter, arranged in compound corymbs at the end of branches. Phyllaries are 2-3 seriate, outer ones purple tinged at the apex, broadly, obovate, obtuse, entire, pubescent, 2.5-3.5 mm long, silky pubescent, inner linear entire, 4-6 mm long. Florets are pink, outer female florets many, threadlike, disc florets tubular, few, 4-18, bisexual but functionally male. The one-seeded fruit is small, white, linear, hairless. Pappus hairs 20-26, distinctly fused at base.
Chemical constituents:
Quercetin, Quercitrin, Isorhamnetin, Pleuchioside, Pleuchiol, Moretenol, Moretenol acetate, Triterpene, Sterol glycosides, Taraxasterol
Uses in Mahanarayan Tei and Meryn Tabletl
Rasna is a medicinal herb in Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine. The plant is used for the inflammations and bronchitis, psoriasis, cough and piles. It is also used as antipyretic, analgesic, laxative and nervine tonic. The decoction of plant is used to prevent the swellings of joint in arthritis, rheumatism and neurological diseases. The roots are antipyretic, bitter, laxative and thermogenic and are used for allaying the pain caused by the sting of scorpions.
Uses in Utrona
It augments the uterine contractions and act as digestant and blood purifier.
Ingredients : Pashanbheda
English Name : Vatyakala
Latin Name : Bergenia ligulata
Chemical constituents
Tannic acid, Galic acid, Albumin, Glucose, Bergenin, Catechin – 3 – gallate, Afzelechin , Foreign matter 2 %, Total ash 13 %, Acid insoluble ash 0.5 %, Alcohol soluble extractive 9 %, Water soluble extractive 15 %.
Uses in Lemonade and Orange Barley Water
It is used as a cure for various ailments such as urinary tract infections, ulcers, wounds and rheumatic pains. The leaves of the plant are also used to cure fevers. The name of the plant in Sanskrit is Pashanabheda or ‘stone breaker’. It is also used in headaches, and also used for asthma, coughs and fevers. Due to astringent effect, it could be used in diarrhea and amoebiasis, It strengthens the heart and checks bleeding disorders.
Uses in Stonyl
It is used as a cure for various ailments such as urinary tract infections, ulcers, wounds and rheumatic pains. The leaves of the plant are also used to cure fevers. The name of the plant in Sanskrit is Pashanabheda or ‘stone breaker’.
Uses in Mahanarayan Teil
It exhibits significant anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic properties.
English Name : Palas
Latin Name : Butea frondosa
Macroscopy : It is also known as Dhak, Dak, Flame Of The Forrest and Kesudo.
Chemical constituents
Flower mainly contains Butrin, butein and butin. Flovonoids and Steroids. Also Coreopsin, Isocoreopsin, Sulphurein and other Glycosides. Flower also has Chalkones and Aurones responsible for its bright color. Roots contain Glucose, Glycine and some Aromatic compounds. The composition of the leaves varies with the place of origin. Analysis of leaves shows they contain protein crude fibers, minerals, calcium and phosphorus. Seeds have 18 percent of fat, 19 percent of Albuminoidal substances and 6 percent of Glucose.
Uses in HAIROL
Improves memory, act as a rejuvenator and helpful in removing stress and anxiety.
Contains cooling and Anthelmintic properties.
Traditionally used for fragrance, and its flowers are used in fragrance industry.
Prevent hair loss.
Uses in Wormokill n Wormishel
It has cooling and anthelmintic properties. It can act as a rubefacient and anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces the number of harmful worms by a large extent and helps keep the body healthy.
Uses in Happy Forte
Improves mental and physical energy, improves the confidence and enhances performance. It cures sexual problems effectively in combination of other drugs.
Uses in Diabetone
It is used traditionally For diabetes mellitus.
Uses in Sherolax
It kills worms in the stomach and intestine.
Ingredients : Nagkesar
English Name : Ironwood Tree
Latin Name : Mesua ferrea
Chemical constituents:
Some chemical constituents present in Nagkeshar are Mammeisin, Mesunic acid,Mesuaferrone – a, Mesuafrrone – b, Mesuaferrol, Mesuone, Leucoanthocyanidin, Mesuagin, Mammeigin, Guttiferol Triterpene and Ferrxanthone.
Use in Gynoshel Liquid
The herb can cure various diseases such as fever, cough, vomiting, leprosy, indigestion and cough.
Ingredients : Nagarvel
English Name : Betel, Chavica Betel
Latin Name : Piper betle
Uses in Happy Forte Capsule
It is used to cure worms.According to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, chewing areca nut and betel leaf is a remedy for bad breath.
Ingredients : Mamejav
English Name : Mamejav
Latin Name : Enicostemma littorale
Chemical constituents
secoiridoid compounds , C-glucosides , erythrocentaurin swertiamarin.
use in Diabetone Tablet
It reduced blood glucose as well as serum insulin levels and prevented the progression of complications in diabetic patients. Significant improvement in kidney function, lipid profile and blood pressure was observed suggesting that E. littorale is an effective herbal anti-diabetic.E. littorale is traditionally used in India as a stomachic, bitter tonic, laxative, carminative, to reduce fever and as a “tonic” for appetite loss .
Ingredients : Malkangni
English Name : White Leadwort
Latin Name : Celastruss paniculatus
Chemical constituents:
it contains protein, carbohydrates (less than 1 calorie per dose), fats (saturated fats: .022 of 1%, polyunsaturated fats: .035 of 1%, monounsaturated fats: .032 of 1%) Vitamin C, Sodium, Potassium, ash, Calcium, Iron, Sesqiterpene polyol esters.
Uses in Sarakva Oil and Meryn Tablet
It provides relief from joint pains and arthritis. Celastrus paniculata is a treasured medicinal herb that is revered for its effects on the brain and has been used for centuries in Ayurveda for sharpening the memory, increasing intellect, and improving concentration.
Ingredients : Makoy
English Name : Black Nightshade
Latin Name : Solanum nigrum
Solanum nigrm is a plant, an annual weed that grows up to 60cm tall, is branched and usually erected, growing wild in wastelands and cropfields. Alternat leaves are ovate deep green with an indented margin and acuminate at the tip. Flowers are white with yellow coloured center. The berries are green at early stage and turn to orange or black when ripened. It is also known as Kakamachi, Kakahva, Makoi and Piludi.
Chemical constituents
Glycosides like solanine, solasonine, solamargine and chaconine. Steroidal sapogenins diosgenin and tigogenin.Flavanoids, Coumarins like scopoletin, flavonols and anthocyanidins.Anthocyanin pigment petanin which is responsible for the purple black berry colouration.
Uses in Livodin-12
It is hepatoprotactive by nature. It is useful in treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. It is also sedative, febrifuge and emollient. It gives protection against bacterial infection.
Lactobacillus Sporogenes
Ingredients : Lactobacillus Sporogenes
English Name : Lactobacillus
Latin Name : Lactobacilli Sporogenes
Lactobacillus is used for treating and preventing diarrhea, including infectious types such as rotaviral diarrhea
in children and traveler’s diarrhea. It is also used to prevent and treat diarrhea associated with using ntibiotics.
L-Lysin M-Hydro
Ingredients : L-Lysin M-Hydro
English Name : Lysine
Latin Name : Lysine
Chemical constituents
Lysine amino acid
Lysine is used for preventing and treating cold sores (caused by the virus called herpes simplex labialis). It is taken by mouth or applied directly to the skin for this use. Lysine is also taken by mouth to improve athletic performance.
Ingredients : Kalmegh
English Name : Green chirayta
Latin Name : Andrographis paniculata
Andrographis paniculata grows erect to a height of 30-110 cm in moist, shady places. The slender stem is dark green, squared in cross-section with longitudinal furrows and wings along the angles. The lance-shaped leaves have hairless blades measuring up to 8 centimeters long by 2.5 wide. The small flowers are borne in spreading racemes. The fruit is a capsule around 2 centimeters long and a few millimeters wide. It contains many yellow-brown seeds. It is also known as creat, king of bitters, andrographis, India echinacea and Kadu kariyatu.
Chemical constituents
bicyclic diterpenoid lactone, Andrographolide, Andrographine, Neoandrographolide, Panicoline.
Uses in Digesta Powder
its effectiveness is limited to treatment of upper respiratory infection, ulcerative colitis and rheumatic symptoms;
Ingredients : Kalipat
English Name : Tape vine
Latin Name : Stephania hornandifolia
Chemical constituents
It contains 5-hydroxy-6,7-dimethoxy-3,4-dihydroisoquinolin-1(2H)-one, thaicanine 4-O-beta-D-glucoside, as well as (-)-thaicanine N-oxide (4-hydroxycorynoxidine).
Uses in Livodin-12
It is used to cure liver diseases. Uses in Stonyl: It treats urinary and kidney infections and also acts as a diuretic.
Ingredients : Kalijiri
English Name : Kalijiri
Latin Name : Centra. anthelminticum
Full Botanical Name: Centratherum anthelminticum
Uses in Digesta powder and Tonical
It balances the Tridosha (Vata, Pita and Kapha) and thus cures the digestive disorders.
Kali Draksh
Ingredients : Kali Draksh
English Name : Californian Grapes
Latin Name : Vitis vinifera
Chemical constituents
Fruit contains malic, tartaric, racemic acidic along with 0.05% ash, fruit ontains glucose and other substances.
The ripe fruits acrid, cooling, sweet, laxative and purgative, fattening, diuretic, aphrodisiac, appetiser, good for eyes, and throat; cures thirst, fever, asthma, gout, jaundice, strangury, burning, bad effects of drinking alcohol and blood diseases. Allays vitiated vata and vomiting. If difficult to digest, causes gas in the stomach; also causes kapha. The sour fruit causes biliousness. The black fruit an aphrodisiac; cures kapha and biliousness.Treating varicose veins. Hemorrhoids. Constipation. Cough. Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Diarrhe, Liver damage. High cholesterol levels.
Kakda Sing
Ingredients : Kakda Sing
English Name : Crab’s claw
Latin Name : Pistacia chinensis
Chemical constituents
It includes gallic acid, m-digallic acid, quercetin, 6-0-galloyl arbutin-quercitrin and quercetin-3-0(6”- galloyl)-beta-D-glucosides.
Uses in Sheltidine Cough Syrup
It is used as an analgesic, antitussive, expectorant and sedative.
Ingredients : Kadu
English Name : Kutki
Latin Name : Picrorhiza kurroa
Leaves: 5-15 cm long leaves, almost all at the base, often withered.[1] Leaves are coarsely toothed, narrowed to a winged stalk. Rhizomes of the plant are 15-25 cm long and woody. Flowers: small, pale or purplish blue, borne in cylindric spikes, spikes borne on almost leafless erect stems. Flowers about 8 mm, 5-lobed to the middle, and with much longer stamens. Fruits: 1.3 cm long.
Uses in Malaria Mixture
It is a bitter tonic and eradicates the malarial parasites.
Ingredients : Jaiphal
English Name : Nutmeg
Latin Name : Myristica fragrans
Chemical constituents
Nutmeg contain 5 to 16% of volatile oil,and about 30% of fat.the volatile oil contain about 4 to 8% myristicin,elemicin and safrole,the fatty acid constituents of the fixed oil are myristic (about 60%),palmitic,oleic,lauric and other acids.
Uses in Happy Forte Capsule
It is used as an aromatic ,stimulant,and carminative.flavoring agent too,it also used in treatment of rheumatism.
Uses in Sarakva Oil
Nutmeg oil is considered an anti-inflammatory and a natural method to treat muscle and joint pain.
Uses in Sheltatone Tonic
It exhibits its positive and nourishing effect on digestive as well as central nervous system.
Uses in Sheltidine Cough Syrup
It contains compound called myristicin which helps clear the respiratory passage thus it cures cough.
Ingredients : Isabgul
English Name : Isphagul seeds, spogel
Latin Name : Plantago ovata
Chemical constituents
Seeds contain 30 % mucilage. It also contains xylose, arabinose, galaecturonic acid, Rhanose, galactose, albumin, tannin and acetylecoline. The seeds pulp contains 14.7 % lilonic acid. Besides this it contains 5 % stable oil.
Uses in Dia Dys Table and Dia-vet Bolust
It is helpful in maintaining the normal body temperature. It also strengthens the body immunity, suppresses vata and pitta
Ingredients : Harde
English Name : Myrobalans, Haritaki
Latin Name : Terminalia chebula
Harde is a drupe, brown in colour. It is ovate, longitudinally wrinkled, 2 to 3.5 cm long in 1.3 to 2.5cm broad. Fruit has 5 to 6 longitudinal ribs. It is hard and stony. Pulp is 3 to 4 mm thick and not attached to seeds. Seed is pale yellow, 1.5 to 2 cm long and rough. Fruit has slight odour and taste is astringent and slight bitter. Himaj fruits are small, pale brown to black, elliptically ovate and tapering on both sides. On one side of fruit there is a scar of pedicel. Fruit is hard, longitudinally ribbed and often compressed. Odor is slight and taste is astringent and bitter.
Chemical constituents:
about 95% of two isomeric sequiterpene alcohols,a-santalol and b-santalol ,it also contain an aldehyde santalal,santene,santenone,teresantol,santalone and santalene
Uses in Hairol
It is a hair tonic and used for graying of hair. It is a strong rejuvenator of the body, especially for the hair and scalp.
Uses in Stonyl
It causes removal of blocked Urine and Kidney Stones.
Uses in Sherolax tablet and Purgovet Bolus
It is used as a purgative. It increases the frequency of stools and has got the potency of evacuating the bowels completely. It increases intestinal permeability and thus prevents digestive upsets. With its rejuvenating and cleansing properties, it is excellent as a preventive supplement for digestive system.
Ingredients : Godavaj
English Name : The Sweet Flag
Latin Name : Acorus calamus
Chemical constituents
drug contain 1.5 to 3.5% of volatile oil,starch,resin(2.5%)and tannin(1.5%).volatile oil contains asaraldehyde.the other contents of the oil are asarone and eugenol.
Uses in Banotone Syrup
It is used as carminative,bitter stimulant and vermifuge. Uses in Sarakva Oil and Meryn Tablet: It is useful in pain and arthritis.
Godanti bhasma
Ingredients : Godanti bhasma
English Name : Calcium Sulphate
Latin Name : Minerals
Chemical constituents
Godanti bhasma is a natural form of calcium
Godanti Bhasm as Natural Herbal Remedies for Headaches .Godanti is very beneficial in treatment of various types of fevers. Godanti brings about the treatment of fever by bringing down the temperature, reducing thirst, vomiting, headache and various other associated symptoms. This is also found to be very useful in treatment of common cold. Acts as a cleanser it helps in removing dead cells. It is an effective moisturizer for the skin. Godanti is also used for the treatment of leucorrhea. Godanti is also used for the treatment of dry cough. Godanti is beneficial in treatment of constipation. Godanti is a well known herbal product for the treatment of malaria. This is also used for the treatment of various types of headaches.
Fe (Iron) Sulfate
Ingredients : Fe (Iron) Sulfate
English Name : Ferrous Sulfate
Latin Name : FeSO4
Chemical constituents
Ferrous Sulfate is an essential body mineral. Ferrous sulfate is used to treat iron deficiency anemia (a lack of
red blood cells caused by having too little iron in the body).
Ingredients : Dadam
English Name : Anar, Pomegranate
Latin Name : Punica granatum
It is a commonly cultivate ornamental and fruit tree in Northern India and Mediterranean countries. It grows upto 20 feet tall with deciduous foliage. The glossy, evergreen leaves are short stemmed, oblong and lanceolate. The showy flowers are orange-red while the fruit is globose, 3 – 4″ in diameter and has a tough leathery skin. Pomegranate has a calyx shaped like a crown. The sweet-sour, edible fruit with mumerous seeds (more than 50%of the weight of the fruit), can be eaten out of hand, used in jelly or made into juice. It is also known as Granada,Granaatappel, Grenade, Granatapfel, Pomo Granato, Zakuro, Roman Zeiro, Mel and Dadima.
Chemical constituents
362 calories per 100gm. Polyphenols, tannins, anthocyanins, vitamin C, A, E and folic acid, arachidic acid,carotene. Proteins, fat, carbohydrates. Also contains Phosphorus, chlorine, chlorogenic acid, calcium, boric acid, Iron, Sodium, potassium and fibers. Alkaloid pelletierine. Glycoside cerebroside, cyanidin-3- diglucoside, cyaniding-3-glucoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside. Estradiol, estrone,flavogallol, sugar fructose,matose and glucose, Ellagitannin punicalagin. Which has antimicrobial activity. Gallic acid, granatin A, garanatin B,malvidin, malvidin pentose glycoside. Punica folin, Punicic acid, puniclagin, punicalin. Water, wax.
It has got anthelmintic properties and all the parts of pomegranate contain unusual alkaloid, known as pelletierine, which paralyze tapeworms so that they are easily expelled from the body. It can also be used in amoebic attacks. It is antibacterial, antiviral, astringent and vermifuge.
D.L. Methionion
Ingredients : D.L. Methionion
English Name : D.L. Methionion
Latin Name : D.L. Methionion
Uses in Agrical
Methionine is used to prevent liver damage in acetaminophen (Tylenol) poisoning. It is also used for increasing the acidity of urine, treating liver disorders, and improving wound healing. Other uses include treating depression, alcoholism, allergies, asthma, copper poisoning, radiation side effects, schizophrenia, drug withdrawal, and Parkinson’s disease.
Ingredients : Chirayta
English Name : Indian gentian
Latin Name : Swertia chirata
Chemical constituents
it contain ophelic acid and two bitter glycosides chiratin and amarogentin.chiratin is not pure substance. Amatogentin is a phenol carbonic acid ester of sweroside ,a substance related to gentiopicrin.
Uses in Diabetone Tablet
It posseses hypoglycemic activity with stimulation of metabolic reaction. it is used as a bitter tonic. It is free of constipative effect.
Uses in Malaria Mixture
It is an antimalarial herb
Ingredients : Chandan
English Name : Sandalwood, Sukhad
Latin Name : Santalum Album
Chemical constituents:
about 95% of two isomeric sequiterpene alcohols,a-santalol and b-santalol ,it also contain an aldehyde santalal,santene,santenone,teresantol,santalone and santalene
Uses in Hairol
It gives cooling effect and nourishes the scalp.
Uses in Banotone Syrup
It is used as coolant and stimulant. it is used for symptomatic treatment of dysurea and in diminishing the frequency of micturition marked in the tuberculosis of the is mainly use in perfume prepration.
Beed Lavan
Ingredients : Beed Lavan
English Name : Nushadir Salt
Latin Name : Ammonium Chloride
It is also known as Zalmiak, Sal Armagnac, Salmiakki and Salt Armoniack.
Chemical constituents
Ammonium Chloride: NH4Cl
Uses in Gasopain Bolus
It is used in situations where blood is too alkaline or contains too little chloride, and this can be caused due to vomiting, stomach disorders etc
Ingredients : Barley
English Name : Barley
Latin Name : Hordeum vulgare
Chemical constituents
it contain niacin, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6,thiamine,copperandphosphorus.?Barley is an excellent source of soluble fiber, and more generally a rich source of fiber.
Uses in Sherolax Tablet and Purgovet Bolus
It is diuretic,digestive,coolant febrifuge. It is used in pancreas and billiaraeliment and other digestive problem and in infection of the intestinal mucous membren and urinary tract.another use is to lover blood cholestrrol Given as a porridge or barley water, it is an excellent food for the convalescent, infants, and the infirm. It is easily assimilated, and can be taken to clear stagnant mucous and soothe an inflamed digestive tract or urinary tract . Chinese research suggests that barley may be helpful in treating hepatitis. Since it is so easily digested, it would give the liver a much needed rest while making the easily digested nutrients available to strengthen the body. Cool barley water is used in drinks for fevers and to soothe and heal stomach or digestive upsets, irritable bowels, dry coughs, diarrhea, cystits, or irritable bladders.barley also helps in protecting one`s immune system and also helps in preserving the elasticity of tissues. Barley is used for lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol, and for promoting weight loss. It is also used for digestive complaints including diarrhea, stomach pain, and inflammatory bowel conditions.Barley is used for lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol, and for promoting weight loss. It is also used for digestive complaints including diarrhea, stomach pain, and inflammatory bowel conditions.
Ingredients : Amalved
English Name : Fox-grape
Latin Name : Cascuta reflaxa
Gasoshel Tablet
It maintains the balance in vata and pitta. Thus it is useful to treat the conditions of indigestion.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, tumors, fever, neuralgia and splenomagali. It purifies the blood and is given for liver diseases, cardiac disorders, ulcers, wounds, dropsy and hemorrhoids.
Ingredients : Alva
English Name : Aloe Vera
Latin Name : Aloe Barbadensib
The plant is xerophyte and may be herb, shrub or tree and bears a rosette of leaves which are thick, fleshy, sessile and spiny. Flowers are red or yellow. For cultivation, young offsets are planted in the soil after the rainy season in rows situated at a distance of 60 cm. In the second year leaves are collected by the natives. Because of the spiny nature of leaves the natives protect their hands and feet, cut the leaves near the base, put them into kerosene tins and take them to a central place for the preparation of aloe. Juice of aloe is present in parenchymatous cells of pericycle surrounding which are mucilage cells. On incision of leaves juice exudes from pericyclic cells and mucilage cells exert pressure on pericycle cells and by single incision juice of the entire leaf is drained out.
Chemical constituents:
Aloe may contain up to 30% aloin which is a mixture of three isomers : barbaloin, beta barbaloin and isobarbaloin. Barbaloin is slightly yellow coloured, bitter, water soluble, crystalline glycoside. Beta barbaloin is amorphous and can be produced from barbaloin on heating. Isobarbaloin is crystalline. Aloe also contains aloinosides A and B. O-glycosides of aloin in which alpha L. rhamnose is combined with OH of hydroxymethy group at 11. C. Atom. Barbaloin on hydrolysis yields aloe emodin anthrone and glucose. Besides aloe emodin anthrone, aloe emodin anthranol and aloe emodin are also present. Aloe contains a resin, which is ester of P. coumaric acid and P. hydroxy cinammic acid esterified with aloeresinotannol. Aloe resin consists of aloe resin A and B. It also contains mucopolysaccharides, vitamin C and E and Zinc.
Uses in Monthex Capsule and Regulin Capsule/Bolus
Aloe is antifungal, antibacterial and emmenagogue; it prevents Uterus and other genital organs in female against fungal and bacterial infections. It also relieves menstrual cramps and irregularity and suppresses menstrual disorders. · It is also considered as an effective remedy for dysmenorrhoea.
Ingredients : Alum
English Name : Alum
Latin Name : Heuchera spp
Chemical constituents
aluminum, potassium, sulfate, aluminum, chromium, iron, manganese,cobalt,or,titanium
Uses in Dia Dys Tablet
It is used as an astringent, styptic, and immunoprotective.
Uses in Adalpine SP Tablet
It is used as an adjuvant which modifies the effect of other agents and acts as a delivery agent by formulating depots.
Uses in Gasoshel Tablet and Gasopain Bolus
It acts as an pH modifier and balances the conditions of digestive system. Thus it relives the indigestion condition.
Ingredients : Akarkara
English Name : Pyrethrum, Pellitory
Latin Name : Anacyclus pyrethrum
Chemical constituents:
roots contain anacyclin, pellitorine, enetriyne alcohol, hydrocarolin, inulin, traces of volatile oil and seasamin. They also contain deca-, dodeca and tetradeca-trans-2, trans-4-dienamide, a new series of tyramine amides corresponding to the isobutylamides. The presence of polyacetyenic compounds is also reported in the plant
Uses in Sarakva Oil and Meryn Tablet
It is useful in pains ,inflammation ,worm infestation ,weankenss in nerves and vessels ,impotence,erectile dysfunction ,premature ejaculation ,paralysis ,epilepsy arthritis especially rheumatoid arthritis ,mouth and teeth related problems, throat related problems.
Uses in Stonyl
It is useful in kidney stone.
Ingredients : Ajmoda
English Name : Celery fruit
Latin Name : Apium graveolens
It is a biennial erect herb about 2 to 3 ft. high. Leaves pinnate, arising from the roots, deeply lobed; segments coarsely toothed at the apex; lower stalks very short. The fruit is small, about 1 mm. long and 1 mm. diameter, and contains minute seeds. The epicarp is interspersed with oil ducts.
Chemical constituents
Its leaves contain moisture (81.3%). Carbohydrates(8.6%). Fat(0.6%), protein(6.0%), calcium(0.23%), Iron(6.3 mg.) vitamin A (5800 to 7500 IU) and vitamin C (62 mg / 100gm); the stalks contain moisture (93.5%), carbohydrates (3.5%), protein (0.8%), calcium (0.03%) iron (4.8mg.), and vitamin C (6mg./ 100g.).The herb is also reported to contain the glucoside apiin. The celery fruits yield 2 to 3% of paleyellow volatile oil with a persistent odor, characteristic of the plant. The fruits also yield 17% of a fatty oil called oil of celery. Chemical constituents of the essential oil are d-limonene, d-selinene, sesquiterpene alcohols, sedanolide, and sedanomic acid anhydride. Chemical examination of the seeds showed the presence of anthoxanthins which consisted almost completely of glycosiders which have been separated into two entities called graveobioside A and graveobioside B. Both of them yielded apiose and glucose on hydrolysis, but the aglycone of gravebioside A was found to be luteolin and that of graveobioside B, chrysoeriol. It was seen that glycosided are apiose glucosides. Psoralen, xanthotoxin, angelicin, and bergapten are obtained from edible vegetable matter, all with photodynamical activity. Bergapten is responsible for skin disorders among the cultivators. Seeds contain 10% of insoluble carbohydrates and 0.8% of an essential oil.
Gasoshel Tablet
The seeds are carminative, diuretic, stomachic, aphrodisiac, and tonic. Its oil is also used as an antispasmodic and nerve stimulant. It has been successfully employed in rheumatoid arthritis and probably acts as an intestinal antiseptic. As antispasmodics, they are used in bronchitis, asthma, and to some extent for liver and spleen diseases. In India celery leaves and stalk are used as salad and in the preparation of soup.
Aam Gutli
Ingredients : Aam Gutli
English Name : Mango Seed
Latin Name : Magnifera indica
Mango is a tall evergreen tropical tree growing up30 to 100 feet tall with a dense, heavy crown. The evergreen drooping leaves resemble those of peach tree. Coppery to purplish-red at first but becoming green at maturity. They are lance-shaped and often slightly curved. The male and hermaphroditic flowers of mango, small ivory and very numerous, and fruit clusters hand outside the foliage canopy. There are over 500 names varieties of the mango. The peach-like, juicy, flavourous fruit is known all over the world. Within each fruit there is a large flat elongated fibrous stone containing a single seed. Seed colour is cream. Mango varieties produce either monoembryonic or polyembryonic seeds. Polyembryonic seeds contain more than 1 embryo and most of the embryos are genetically identical to the mother tree. Monoembryonic seeds contain 1 embryo and this embryo possesses genes from both parents.
Chemical Constituents
Mangiferic acid, mangiferine, mangiferol, mangiferolic acid. 2-octene, alanine, alpha phellandrene, alpha pinene, ambolic acid, ambonic acid, arginine,ascorbic acid, beta carotene, beta pinene, carotenoids, furfurol, gallic acid, gallotannic acid, geraniol, iso mangiferolic acid, neo beta corotene, pantothenic acid, palmitoleic acid, palmitic acid, p coumaric acid, nreol, oleic acid, phytin, proline, quercetin, xanthophylls,vitamin A.
Dia Dys Tablet and Dia-vet Bolus
Being anthelmintic, it gives protection against diarrhoea causing bacteria. Being a rich source of Vitamin A and C it makes the digestive system more powerful and increases immunity against worms causing diarrhoea and dysentry.
Ingredients : Amla
English Name : Indian Gooseberry
Latin Name : Phyllanthus emblica
Fruits is 1.3 – 1.6 cm in diameter, fleshy, globose, with 6 pale vertical furrows. Fruits are smooth, shiny with few prominent but minute light colored specks. A depression left by the removal of peduncle is seen at one end of the fruit. Color is green when unripe but light yellow when mature. Taste is sour and slightly bitter and sweet with astringent feeling. On drying the fruits become dark brownish to black and longitudinally splited. Fruit is a drupe and endocarp is stony.
Chemical constituents
Fruit is rich source of vitamin C. 10 gm of fresh fruits contain 600-900 mg of vitamin C. Small fruits contain more Vitamin C than large fruits. Fruits contain pectin in good quantity, Glucose and Tannins Gallic Acid, Phyllemblin and other tannins. Phyllemblin has Adrenergic Potentiating action as reported earlier. According to recent work fruits lose vitamin C more when dried in the sun than in shade.
Banotone Syrup
Amla is extremely helpful in providing nourishment to the nerve and is helpful for grasping things easily. It makes the sense organs work well and make the reflexes harp. It improves general intelligence level of Amla suppresses mental tensions. Hairol: Strengthens hair, promotes hair growth and prevents premature graying. Prevents itching and scalp infection. Stimulates scalp and hair follicle to produce new and healthier hair. Useful against baldness and dandruff. Imparts soothing and emollient effect. Relives tension and headache.
Uses in Sherolax Tablet
its application in decreased appetite, indigestion, acidity, constipation,gastric troubles and flatulence. Amla being rich in fibre regulates the bowel action and keeps constipation at bay. And thus give relief and protection from all these symptoms. · It prevents indigestion, controls acidity. It has also got properties of being gastrointestinal tonic, stomachic and carminative.
Uses in Purgovet Bolus
It is antibacterial and astringent by nature so prevents abdominal infection and heals ulcers. It is anti-inflammatory herb so useful in hemorrhoids, gastritis and colitis.
Ingredients : Jaiphal
English Name : Nutmeg
Latin Name : Myristica fragrans
Chemical constituents
Nutmeg contain 5 to 16% of volatile oil,and about 30% of fat.the volatile oil contain about 4 to 8% myristicin,elemicin and safrole,the fatty acid constituents of the fixed oil are myristic (about 60%),palmitic,oleic,lauric and other acids.
Uses in Happy Forte Capsule
It is used as an aromatic ,stimulant,and carminative.flavoring agent too,it also used in treatment of rheumatism.
Uses in Sarakva Oil
Nutmeg oil is considered an anti-inflammatory and a natural method to treat muscle and joint pain.
Uses in Sheltatone Tonic
It exhibits its positive and nourishing effect on digestive as well as central nervous system.
Uses in Sheltidine Cough Syrup
It contains compound called myristicin which helps clear the respiratory passage thus it cures cough.
Ingredients: Ardusi
English Name: Malabar nut
Latin Name: Adhatoda vasica
It is also known as Malabar chestnut, White vasa, Yellow vasa and Vasaka.
Chemical constituents
It contain quinazoline derivatives such as vasicine,vasicione and 6-hydroxyl vasicine.biochemically,vasicine is oxidised to its ketonic derivative vasicinone and the latter exerts main activity as bronchodilator.the drug also contains volatile oil ,betain and vasatin, adhatodic acid.
Uses in Sheltidine Cough Syrup
Vasaka is used as expectorant and bronchodilator. The large doses are irritant and cause vomitting and diarrhoea. The pharmacological investigations have shown that vasicine also shows oxytocic property similar to oxytocine and methyl ergometrine. Vasicine also shows abortificient action and both the actions are due to release of prostaglandins. Bromhexine HCL is a synthetic derivative of vasicine which changes the structure of bronchial secretions and reduces viscosity of sputum.